So I'm looking at jobs on craigslist, and I run across one that seems to be for putting together home listings for a Real Estate person/company. I get to the bottom paragraph, which reads a little testy to me, but whatever, but the two things I've bolded... seriously?
You will receive some training but will mostly be left to develop your own method of assembling the reports. If you can't spell, are dyslexic, not available most evenings (OR early mornings), are not focused, reliable, trustworthy or willing to pay great attention to small details then do not waste your time applying for this job... Please reply with your name,date of birth and approximate location.
I know the companies I worked for made it clear to those of us doing interviews that asking a candidate's age was Not On. The dyslexic thing seems highly questionable to me, too. ETA: To be clear, highly questionable in terms of legality. Unquestionably jack-ass, regardless.
Both of those are out of line, but helpful in clarifying that this is an asshole you never want to work for.
Right? I was thinking it sounded like a decent PT gig, and then... not so much. I mean, the testy just sounds like maybe it was written ten minutes after firing or losing someone who wasn't good at it, but the other two? Dayum.
Wow, seriously.
Jesse! I just now realized you started a words with friends game with me on Facebook, which I a) didn't 't know existed and b) can't access from the iPad.
I figured it was something like that!
the thought of 2 rows of eyelashes is giving me the heebie jeebies. I am picturing it like 2 rows of teeth.
Oh, I've been meaning to mention, my mother got out of the hospital Weds. She's still having some of the issues, but they are checking to see if it might be gluten (they've already ruled out lactose), and she's being more careful about things as well.
Good news, Frank. May she continue to get things sorted out.
The legality of that ad probably depends on the state, but you definitely cannot ask for age in California. Or rather, you can ask but you're begging for a lawsuit.
Yeah, exactly. Don't know if strictly illegal is the case, but deeply risky. And, of course, jackass. Whether they're trying to weed out "too young," unfairly associating it with unreliable or "too old," unfairly associating it with technologically challenged, say, it's just... dumb. I kind of think it's the former. Either way, pbthfft.
I thought age discrimination was a federal thing, no?
Is dyslexia in ADA?