Jilli, I love the new tattoo. I need that reminder myself. I have gotten in my own way more times than I can count.
Just, that, ah, I don't put those things in my mouth as far as she's concerned.
Heh. Misread this and thought you were referring to general knowledge of gender identity issues, and then wondered why you wouldn't want your mom to know you knew.
I am having reading issues today.
Don't worry, Burrell, I didn't get it until just now reading your post.
Easy and safe delivery vibes for FAQchild.
40th birthday a better milestone to get tatted, anyway, right?
I chose 40 as my inaugural tattooification.
Tomorrow, I'm meeting with the fellow who inked me 11 years ago to discuss a new tat and possible embellishment of the older one.
11 years. How can this be?
Well this is my second misread of the day. I think I'm tired.
Also? Hungry. Hope those enchiladas are done soon.
Are we discussing Ringer anywhere? I missed one episode and I'm confused already.
Are we discussing Ringer anywhere? I missed one episode and I'm confused already.
Maybe read Cindy's recaps at TWOP?
Welcome to the world baby!B.
Congratulations. That's just wonderful.
Congratulations, Jon!
I love Kat Dennings' rack.
Why am I bumping into colorectal cancer depressing articles everywhere I go? I feel sick.