One of the messages for the runners going through my 'hood: [link]
Ha! That is awesome. Needs to be added to that whole, "Dance like no one's looking," thing.
I am Occupying the Comfy Chair. And trying to figure out how to pronounce "ou." Going with "ow" like in Portuguese. Now to read the blog post.
We didn't come up with any conclusions at lunch. But I did end up describing this place as, "... yeah, but now it's more a place where a bunch of people who know each other hang out," in response to "Is that the Buffy message board?" And I said something like, "Sometimes I wish we (indicating our larger group of friends) had a place like it. It would be very convenient!" And that led to their suggesting I create a FaceBook group. Point being - none, really. Just funny how the board often pokes into 3D world.
My CSA pumpkin-opening kit is a santoku knife and a wooden rolling pin. (A Chinese vegetable cleaver and a rubber mallet would probably work even better, but I don't have those things in my kitchen.)
Our plan involved the concrete garage floor.
Squash of all kinds is why I have a rubber mallet in my kitchen
That blog post pretty much ensures that I won't try to get into any discussions about gender identity just because I have no idea what term might be a land mine. The only trans person I know (in meat-space) uses the blogger's hated term all the time.
Reading through the coverage, I found this article: [link]
Dude, I high-fived that kid. He was LOVING the cheering. Beautiful kid. (There's a video report here at the top: [link]
Time to research squirrel repellant. Does such a thing exist? Stupid little squirrel both wants to hang in my outside storage room and wants to mock the not-so-smart Puppycat. Squirrel's also not really scared of me. It's not YOUR territory to defend, Squirrel, it's mine.
Um, my neighbor uses some sort of powder in her yard to try to protect her bulbs. I'll ask next time I see her. It's non-toxic but they hate the smell. Loki doesn't seem to mind it (and I can't smell it.)
It's non-toxic but they hate the smell. Loki doesn't seem to mind it (and I can't smell it.)
Anything they hate, cats don't mind and I don't notice sounds
Cass I've used a combo of cat hair and moth balls in a mesh bag. Works pretty well. I used cheap-ass moth balls from the dollar store and just combed the cats, so it's inexpensive too.