Apropos of yesterday's plague talk: [link]
I am off to walk 2.1 miles to pick the kids up from school. The hard part will be getting them to walk the 2.1 miles home. I have packed snacks and we will be stopping at the library. They can't get bus service until Oct. 24.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. And I love you all, too.
Sorry about the terrible session. I believe everyone who's been in therapy has a few.
We have not met all that many times, Tom, but you smiled at me at an f2f and it made me want to giggle like a freshman.
ita, my mom sends your mom cancer-survival -ma.
{{hugs}}, Tom. You are awesome.
The hard part will be getting them to walk the 2.1 miles home.
Yikes, flea! No city buses available?
In me news, I got my Nemesis to forward me a telephone number. Woot.
Does anyone else think that recreating the Black Death is a less than stellar idea? Bet Seanan could come up with a book about that ....
Tom's smile was one of my favorite things about New York in May. I just didn't get enough of it.
I'm in Seattle! In a lovely coffee sop eating herbed cheese fondue and ham on a croissant and being all wifi-y.
I'm in Seattle! In a lovely coffee sop eating herbed cheese fondue and ham on a croissant and being all wifi-y.
New this fall on the CW: Writer in Seattle (cue theme music)
Crap, I have totally not yet oneroused today.
I orneroused coincidentally. Called my car insurance to get a quote to add K-Bug to my policy. Been meaning to do that for weeks. She got a better quote from her insurance, so she is going to stay with them but we wanted to be able to compare.
I'm sure I have other onerous things to handle. Will have to figure out what I'm forgetting about.
I have a paper due in less than two hours (well, it'll get turned in in four, but I have to be on the road in two). I've got all the notes in my notebook, I just have to type the damn thing up with footnotes and bibliography. Ugh.