ita, all possible good thoughts for you, your mom, and your family.
Sparky, why does your nephew have plates in his collarbone--did I miss a post about the cause?
The picture of Andre made me misty, but the picture of Falk really made me mist up. I'ma go find our dvd. Must watch againagainagaininfinity.
OMFG, for a week I've had either Coldplay's "Fix You" or Adele's "Someone Like You" stuck in my head, and I might jump off a bridge to MAKE IT STOP.
runs in to thread, flails excitedly
I have the tour cell phone number for the drummer of The Damned! I'm going to the sound check to interview them!
Sparky, why does your nephew have plates in his collarbone--did I miss a post about the cause?
He was playing ultimate frisbee and ran into the largest player on the team, so he will have pins and plates for a year. The doctors think he will be able to play music again in 6-8 weeks, and he and his parents are trying to figure out what this means for his semester at college and his scholarship (which has a performance requirement).
I sent him this audition tape from my daughter, and told him to take lots of painkillers before watching (he has perfect pitch): [link]
he and his parents are trying to figure out what this means for his semester at college and his scholarship (which has a performance requirement).
I cannot imagine that the university does not have an exception for injuries.
OMG, that video is adorable, especially when she gets to the "meow meows".
I cannot imagine that the university does not have an exception for injuries.
Getting something in writing from them isn't easy. He can still sing, so that may fulfill his requirement, but they'd want that in writing, too, since it represents a change to the agreement.
But, Jesse, for me it's not over! Never mind, I'll find someone like you oooooh!
Ouch, Sparky! And aww...
Yay, Jilli!
Good travels to ita !!
Okay. I gotta run. Time to go into town since the banks are no longer closed to celebrate colonialism and the rampant abuse of native peoples. (Yesterday, to celebrate, I tivo'd "Rape on the Reservation" about sexual abuse on Rosebud. I am just a bundle of positive energy.)
But, Jesse, for me it's not over! Never mind, I'll find someone like you oooooh!
Thanks FOR NOTHING. It also doesn't help that my stupid ex (settled down/married now) just poked me on Facebook, so I have to keep reminding myself that I don't actually mean someone
like him.
Time to go into town since the banks are no longer closed to celebrate colonialism and the rampant abuse of native peoples.
I follow my local burrito place on Twitter, and yesterday they asked for suggestions for a Columbus-celebrating burrito. So I said corn, tomatoes, and smallpox. Apparently only one other person suggested smallpox! WTF, people! Isn't that the obvious Columbus joke? (Genocide is hilarious.....)