Please do read the comments. They are marvelous.
I love this one (presented without context):
That way we can have a car chase with big explosions on his way to the airport, as he takes out her family members one-by-one. That'll be a great crowd-pleaser. (Don't worry, she'll forgive him by the end of the movie.)
She doesn't need any..."friends".
No, but she does need accessories. Like a purse that calls to mind some weird voodoo B&D sex kink mummification.
Speaking of purses, my mom gave me a punch of stuff for my garage sale, and when I was going through it and pricing it, I pulled out a vintage burgundy Aigner.
SO not going in the sale, Mom.
I was watching a BBC tv show and a scene took place in a grocery store. What blew my eyeballs out was in that particular store the aisles were only big enough for one person.
One person. So there was no passing. I figure I would last maybe 5-10 minutes in there and I would have to run for the hills.
Argh. My niece is in Spain for a year and was looking for a way to set up a blog to chronicle her adventures.
She chose LJ.
Which means I have to be extra careful about commenting, because I do not want to cross the streams!
What blew my eyeballs out was in that particular store the aisles were only big enough for one person.
A lot of the neighborhood grocery stores in Prague were like that. There was one direction, no going back. Forget an item? Make another loop. No dawdling. Even the carts were miniaturized.
The larger stores were a little bit better, mostly.
Which means I have to be extra careful about commenting, because I do not want to cross the streams!
Can you comment anonymously?
Sorry to interrupt but I want to watch the most recent season of Bones and it doesn't seem to be available on iTunes or Amazon? Anyone know if you can get it online?
Bones doesn't start until November.
thank you - I guess I had seen commercials and assumed it was on. I sort of tuned out last season but feel like trying again.