I was digging out stuff tonight for my Halloween costume (random devil), and at one point the bed had a big floofy pile of red and black crinoline petticoats (red petticoats and black petticoats, not red-and-black petticoats [what? I want the mental image to be clear]) and red-and-black stripey stockings.
I told Tim, "Oh my god, it's like Jilli waved her magic wand over the bed!"
I told Tim, "Oh my god, it's like Jilli waved her magic wand over the bed!"
Bwah! One part of our bedroom floor is currently hidden beneath a layer of b&w striped skirts and black or pink petticoats. And boots.
Jilli - I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Not sure if I got the right e-mail addy.
Suzi, you did use the right email addy. In fact, I am replying in another window right now! Which is not quite
the call is coming from inside the house,
but close.
smonster, sorry you didn't win, but glad you made a cool contact! Hope something comes of it.
Anne, that totally sucks. Ugh.
It's currently 37 degrees outside, and it's supposed to get up to 74 today. I have no idea how to dress for this weather.
Sparky - good luck getting good leads from the show! It looks like the webpage for the episode is running the Find Sassafras link at the top of the links.
one of you is responsible.
I have some kind of crazy ick that now presents as a full-blown sinus headache that also is affecting my hearing.
as you might imagine, I am THRILLED. I have not taken any medication thus far, but I anticipate that will change within 60 minutes.
Over 2 and a half hours and no new messages. It's like I don't even know you people.
Much Sass~ma, Sparky.
Disappointing evening, mostly because of putting hazelnut half & half (which looked exactly like the regular half & half packaging at the store) in my mashed potatoes.
Wow. That sounds interesting...in a gross way. Also, I think Typo Boy's response is the correct one. Good luck with your planning.
Good luck with your project and new directions, smonster. And go you, being all gracious and helpful to the winner!
Drainage~ma, le nubian, preferably pain-free.
Big plans for tonight - I'm gonna try to catch the one hour Zumba class. It'll be my first time back in nearly a month because my hip has been all jacked up. It's still only barely better, but since take-it-easy, no-activity has not corrected the problem, I'm gonna try the other.