I'm taking advil. I have mucinex; I'll try that too. Thanks, everyone!
Spike's Bitches 47: Someone Dangerous Could Get In
[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.
The 'warf' in warfarin stands for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
That's really interesting. Now I don't know whether to like them because of the whole miracle drug thing, or hate them for the over prescribed cash cow for cardiologists thing.
{{{sj}}} I had bunches of earaches from swimmer's ear before I pretty much stopped ever getting them wet. My most effective treatments were heat on the ear and rum in the belly, but you might not want to listen to me.
I've had tons of ear infections, and I second the recs for heating pad and Mucinex. It sounds silly, but I've also found that pulling on the outside of the ear, the way little kids do when they have an earache, actually does relieve some of the pressure for a few minutes.
Flying with an ear infection sucks, but if you're on the antibiotic already, you should probably be OK for Thursday. It might be helpful to take Sudafed before takeoff, too.
The 'warf' in warfarin stands for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
Not Worf? Disappointed.
I do like discovering how things were named though. Sometimes they are so interesting.
Has anyone here had an ear infection before?
My doctor says breathe steam.
Steam also good.
Before flying, I'd take an anti-inflam and a Sudafed. Swelling is pain.
I can't take sudafed, would benadryl help?
ETA: Rum sounds like a good idea Laura, I might test that out tonight.
Benedryl will not. Antihistimine versus decongestant. You are looking for decongestant, if there are any you can take.
No, I really don't do well with decongestants. Hopefully the mucinex will help.
sj, this might be contraindicated for, well, anybody but me. I've had bunches of ear infections, usually coupled with sinus infections. Cass is absolutely right: swelling is pain. I pack my ears with sterile cotton. It sounds wacky, but I've had my ear canals swell completely shut--or nearly--too many times to count, and it's utter misery. With packed ears, the swelling can only go so far. They'll still ache, but whatever anti-inflam you take will have less work to do if the swelling is kept down.
Two doctors have approved this, at least for me. But you have to be careful not to pack tight, or that causes its own problems. If you do this, dab a little vaseline in your ears with a swab, then pack with a continuous length of cotton. Just a comfortable fit, not even firm. You might want to run this by your own doctor before you try it, but it helps keep the swelling--and the pain--down for me.