her excuse was that it could cause an explosion (if there was a leak) and Entergy would be liable
Actually it could cause a rip in the fabric of the universe, and there would be repercussions that you can only begin to comprehend. Why do you flirt with danger like that?
Zenkitty: pretty!
Okay yeah, you needed that.
Aims, that's so awful.
Aims peace and strength to your friend and her family.
In other colossally depressing news, my grandmother's wedding rings have disappeared from the hospital.
Damn, Dana, what the hell.
Zen, I totes approve. Is that glass or tigers eye?
Why do you flirt with danger like that?
Cause danger is HELLA SEXY. And I'm bored.
Maybe Entergy and I are in two different time streams. Here's hoping nobody kills me with kindness.
Dana, I'm sorry! That's rotten.
Thanks, y'all, for validating my impetuous jewelry purchases!
Instead of saying that the techs don't have cell phones, or whatever, her excuse was that it could cause an explosion (if there was a leak) and Entergy would be liable.
So Entergy gas techs spend the entire day out of touch with the office? Because back in the dark ages before cell phones, techs called the office by radio and the office called customers.