Yes, congrats on the coming nuptials!!
askye, very cool. Weren't you looking for a way to build your computer skills?
I am stuck at my new place waiting for the gas person to come. They came early and turned on the power, but I wasn't here, because it was before my appointment time, which apparently I shouldn't have been able to schedule. Whatever. They're sending someone back. So I'm stuck here waiting, and they can't tell me when they're coming, so I ordered Chinese, and oh shit Frankie needs to go out. Time to call C.
Crap, not answering. Also, there's only heat in one room, which I didn't realize, and it's the bedroom. And I have no chair here but the loveseat, which is in the living room. Ooo, but I have Rubbermaid tubs. Sorry, low blood sugar cannot brane.
What I knew about Pawpaws before this story:
-You pick them up
-They fit into a pocket or basket
-They grow in patches.
Anyone here ever eat a Pawpaw?
I'm sorry the head wound is acting up again, amyth.
Hil, that wait seems most unreasonable.
Shir, I'm sorry things are getting so bad there.
Those of us from the Caribbean, yeah, probably.
::looks around the empty room::
I swear I've seen papaya around here, though.
(they don't really fit in your pocket, not if they're grown enough to be ripe. Is that a thing?)
I have not eaten a pawpaw, but I have fed them to cows and had many pawpaw fights as a child. They hurt like HELL when the hit. As do crabapples (had a crabapple tree at grade school bus stop, with about 8 other kids. We made our own fun...)
Hmmm. Maybe the things we called pawpaws are different than Caribbean pawpaws. I mean, I'm talking rural Missouri.
They're a different fruit.
Connie, now that I'm back at my regular computer, a couple of the links about Intermountain Health.
“We have long known that some places, like the Intermountain Healthcare in Utah or the Geisinger Health System in rural Pennsylvania, offer high quality at costs below average,” Mr. Obama said.
The long Magazine article: [link]