Caught up a bit (skimmed about 70 posts).
{{{{Askye}}}} I'm so, so sorry.
Dana, much, much ~ma for your grandmother, for you and your family.
Hill, I hope you'd feel better or that a solution will pop out soon. It is frustrating.
If I left anyone out of it, you do have my ~mas. I miss this place, so much.
That's a little bizarre, Scrappy--especially for an "urgent" appointment!! You'd think they'd try to schedule him in with another doc or something. I'd figure that the doc had some kind of emergency (either personal like "my car broke down on the highway and I'll be there as soon as I can" or "I'm in the hospital with a patient and will be there once they're stabilized" or something), but you'd think they could have an ETA or cancel some appointments or whatever. (ETA: I of course hope that they're overreacting and your husband is really fine!!!)
Me, too, Meara! We'll find out today.
eeps Scrappy, I hope everything's fine.
Scrappy that's scary I hope everything is okay!
bonny I'm so glad that Bartleby is healing better than expected.
I hope it's just something like a modification in medication, Scrappy. I've had a doctor call that "urgent." I don't think doctors realize what these cryptic messages put people through mentally.
A Question My Brother Asked My Mom
"Would you come to my wedding?"
Her Response
A Conversation I Had with My Brother
"Have you made plans?"
"As far as I'm concerned, we're married already, but that's not enough for society."
A Conversation My Sister Had with My Mom
"He just wants to know if you would come. He says it'll probably happen within a year."
"When I'm dead."
So, what does the fashionable zombie mother of the groom wear these days?