When I went last year, the guy dressed as Scrooge made of point of telling all the kids that he was the good Scrooge from the end of the book who loves Christmas. That just takes all the fun out of playing that character.
'Cause the Civil War is in the Victorian era, and you don't get many chances to bust out the uniforms and gowns you paid so much damned money for.
There are several events that say "Victorian outfits encouraged but not required."
he was the good Scrooge from the end of the book who loves Christmas
You're right. That
suck all the fun out of it.
One of these years I'll be able to get to SF for Dickens Faire. And Maker Fair, and the Edwardian Ball, and and and ...
Hi everyone! Long time ...
Emeline got her ears pierced yesterday. I have a great big girl. She turns SEVEN on Wednesday. How the hell did that happen?
I'm sorry for your loss, askye.
I've been coughing for close to two months now. I got my doctor to give me a referral to a pulmonary doctor, because this is getting ridiculous. I'm getting slightly better, in that, a few weeks ago, I couldn't sing along to the radio at all, and now I'm measuring how well I'm doing by how many lines of a song I can get through before I start coughing. (My record so far is three.)
Oo Dickens Faire would be fun.
Another five weeks of IV antibiotics for my grandmother, which means five more weeks of the hospital. She's going to have a cow once she's coherent enough to understand it.
Hil, good grief. That is scary stuff. I hope the pulmonary specialist can figure things out and fix you up.
Dana, that bites.
Good lord, I'm tired.
Another five weeks of IV antibiotics for my grandmother, which means five more weeks of the hospital. She's going to have a cow once she's coherent enough to understand it.
I'm hoping the pulmonary doctor can get me so that I'm not coughing so much by New Years, because I'm supposed to be presenting at a conference the first week of January, and I've been able to teach mostly by pausing to cough after each sentence, and I guess my students have gotten used to it, but people who haven't been around me much who hear me coughing tend to think that there's something horribly wrong with me, and I really don't want that to be the reaction to my talk at the conference.