I am with you on IPAs Steph. And I usually like bitter flavors, like coffee, dark chocolate, spinach, kale, etc. But I draw the line at IPAs.
Oddly, I don't find spinach to be bitter. Other greens, though, I do, and I avoid them. I also have to put cream in my coffee. And dark chocolate is SO bitter to me. I have too many bitter taste buds, I swear!
ION, Tim is REALLY sick, poor noodle. He got a bad cold last week, and it hasn't been getting better (today is day 9). He woke up yesterday with what is probably pink eye, and he said that today his throat is worse than it has been since it all started last week. And every day that he hasn't been at work, he's slept 12 hours or more.
I think he's going to call the doctor tomorrow. I would normally say less than 2 weeks is too soon to see the doctor with a cold, but the fact that it's spread to his eyes and his throat is getting worse seems to point to the need for drugs.
So far I seem to have not gotten it, but my throat has been a little sore the past couple of days. Nothing has really developed, though, which is fine. I have been using the neti pot and taking extra vitamin C in an attempt to ward it off.
Poor Tim. He never gets sick, and when he does it's usually gone in 3-4 days. This is a total role reversal.
I have been using the neti pot and taking extra vitamin C in an attempt to ward it off.
Go team prevention. Don't forget the peroxide in the ears!
Poor Tim. That must feel awful.
Don't forget the peroxide in the ears!
That's what I was forgetting! I was trying to think earlier of what else to do in the way of prevention, and I knew there was *something* else but I just couldn't think of it. Must go do that now.
Nora, sorry we didn't overlap more. I'm still out! At Turkey 3: Back to the Turkey. About to go home, though.
Frankie barked!! At my friend's turtle. It was funny, he never barks.
Turtles are the things that makes Frankie bark? I'm trying to process what ancestral memory that it harks back to.
Soooooo quiet at work today - all the individuals who live at that house were with their parents. I hemmed pants (for someone there who hates the idea of other people touching their belongings (request from guardian to get the damn pants hemmed when I can in absence of individual - I'm not simply violating the person's preferences for my own fun). And watched tv.
I worked today! It actually wasn't too bad. I mostly got groups of women from Montreal down for a shopping weekend. (I got the fun loving ones, not the bitch ones). We did have one customer falling down drunk - although I did not witness this.
I'm still not sure if I'll get called in tomorrow, but the store is over hours for the week so maybe not.
Instead of Black Friday I'm taking Maddie to the vet in the morning.
In 1943, there was a movie serial for Batman. I had no clue that this existed. Hubby found the DVD in the cheap rack. The villain is Dr. Tito Daka. I'm sure there will be Nazis in there somewhere, or maybe it will just be the Communists. Hubby says it was surprisingly good.
Awake. Not happy about it. Frankie woke up and had an accident, so I took him out. Now I've got tummy cramps from eating too much and an anxiety attack from smoking too many cigarettes. Woe.
Re: Frankie and the turtle, it seemed like "Holy shit! What IS that thing? Is anyone else SEEING this?" and then when we were all like "Whatevs" he was like "Just kidding, it's cool, yo. So, turtles." It was in a big aquarium up above his head.
I just got back from taking Maddie to the vet. she's lost almost 2 lbs (she was just over 10 and now she's roughly 8 1/2) and the vet seems to think it's stress. He couldn't find anything else wrong. He did give her a shot that's supposed to stimulate her appetite and in 3 weeks I take her back just to weigh her.
Well I have to monitor her breathing b/c she was breathing funny but it might have been stress from the vet.