Dana, that is awful. I can see where you would feel the urge to punch.
{{{Pix}}} I'm sorry.
Gronk. We went and looked at houses all day today. I really wasn't expecting this to be as exhausting as it is. Tonight's dinner is arugula pesto. We're trying to clear out the fridge before heading to Mom's for the weekend. So I should probably roast the rest of the root vegetables tomorrow.
Health and doctor ~ma for your grandmother, Dana. Good grief.
Typo, I suggest 3). Let them edit you if they want; don't edit yourself. Also, that first dream is a beaut! That would make a great movie.
Oh Pix, wanted to send you much ~ma for a good, pain free recovery.
Urrrgh. Gave myself a migraine forgetting to take my AD again. I think it might be bedtime.
Pix I hope you start feeling better soon.
I had another 10 hour day at work. I need to start taking the schedule as a suggestion. First I didn't realize it had changes so I got in 1/2 hour early, which was fine they let me on the clock.
At least 1 person called in sick and I was asked to stay late. So I did, for nearly 3 hours. I might have had to stay until close because the manager messed up. The store stayed up an hour later and the manager didn't actually schedule anyone for that hour. But other people stayed late.
I'm not scheduled for Black Friday, but after discussing it with other people, realized the store will be probably be short staffed and I'll be asked to come in. The best I can do is give hours I'm available. Originally Will was going to come up and we'd have a day together then but now that's been cancelled.
Hi guys. It’s the middle of the night, I know, but I’m up and in a fair amount of pain still. I slept until 2:30pm--which is extremely unlike me and a sign of my body’s need to heal--and I thought I was feeling a lot better for a few hours. Then I started moving around. And no, nothing stupid, just normal stuff like showering and emptying the dishwasher. Yeah, bad idea. Pain came back worse than it was yesterday, and a Percocet only relieved it for about an hour. (It’s not extreme pain, but a consistent 5 or 6 on the pain scale in my lower back and lower abdomen that gets worse with any movement.) I can take one every four hours and am watching the clock for when I’m allowed to take the next one. I will call my OB/GYN in the morning to make a follow-up appointment, but I’m feeling pretty down and a little scared about the whole thing. I’ve had PCOS my entire adult life, but I’d never had a rupture until two years ago. I really hope my doctor can help me to find a solution. I really don’t want to keep dealing with these, and I’m scared it could be something more serious.
Oh, Pix, I'm so sorry you're in pain. It is scary, and of course upsetting to have to go through. I hope you're able to get some sleep and relief tonight and that your doctors have a good course of action for you tomorrow. In the meanwhile, take it easy!
Thanks, Liese. Getting support here means a lot.
For sure. I'm glad the elk bugling in my yard woke me up! Well, through Seabiscuit.
But yeah, being in pain in the night is no fun but at least you're not whistling into a vacuum. You're not alone.