omnis, much ~ma for your da, that he may sail through these scares with as little stress and pain as possible.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's restaurant Steph. Having a dream die like that really _is_ a sucking wound. Pardon the stupid, obvious question, but does this mean the insurance wouldn't cover relocation?
It was so nice of smonster to call to check in last night and to post a bit from me. I haven't been able to be around much in the last...oh, month. It's been a hugely stressful time.
Right now, I can say that despite looking like he has been torn apart by beasts and hastily sewn back together, Bartleby is doing a bit better than could have been expected.
He isn't allowed anything but bio breaks outside for the next 3 weeks, but when we went out this morning, he really wanted to walk. Fast. I couldn't believe how fast. So we went a bit further than advisable with my stomach churning, but I think it was good for him to get some of that energy out.
He's eating like a champ and he's resting easy in his new heated bed. I'm allowing him significant cone-free time, which I think is reducing his stress. That won't last for much longer though as the drugs taper off and the wounds begin to hurt and itch.
My kitchen counter looks like a center with intent to distribute...there are so many pill bottles. I worked out the schedule of drugs, icing and cleaning for the next 10 days and there are 110 administrations of one thing or another. PLUS two more vet visits.
The greatest dangers now are infection...especially when he can go again...which I'm really not looking forward to so much...and, having the junction of the Y incision not heal properly. So, that's my job right now...keeping clean and monitoring stitches.
Just call me Florence.
I guess the fact that I can joke about all this is a good sign, eh?
Again, I can't thank this community enough for making it possible for me to pay for this procedure and to care for Bartleby in the best way I can.
You all are my heroes and there is one little guy who is going to survive because you helped him. Please have someone hug you (or give you a beaming look of appreciation) for me.
((((bonny and Bartleby))))
Steph, sympathies and land-on-his-feet~ma for your brother.
So great to hear from you, bonny! And I'm so glad that Bartleby is doing better than expected at this point. I know it's a long road, but sounds like things are going well.
bonny, glad to hear Bartleby's feeling better. If you need anything, I can get down to your place fairly easily (Metro allowing).
Thanks Todd. My only need right now is frozen peas to use as an ice pack, but I think I've got a hook-up. If that doesn't work out, I'll be in touch. I think it's okay though.
Bartleby is being super cuddly, which is not really his way. I'm wondering if the Tramadol is giving him some, "I love you man" moments.
Aw, I'm SO glad Bartleby is doing well! Yeah, he may become grumpier when the drugs wear off, but don't we all... Healing vibes going out to both of you, bonny!
bonny, I'm glad to hear he's doing well. Let me know if you need anything like borrowing a car, etc.
Steph, I'm so sorry about the restaurant.
bonny, I'm glad to hear he's doing well. Let me know if you need anything like borrowing a car, etc.
Steph, I'm so sorry about the restaurant.
What Sparky said.
And not to interrupt the conversation again, but I apologize for disappearing on you last week after the night from hell. I had nothing more left to give and I needed to lick my wounds and figure out if things could be made right. It was hard enough just getting out of bed and going to work,
To that end, if the DC and Baltimore folks have any recommendations for good therapists that accept CIGNA, I'd be more than grateful. Profile addy is always good.
But all I meant was that it doesn't make sense to say that it's ONLY a relationship if it changes you, because not all relationships do.
Tell that to Laura and Scrappy, because that's what they seemed to be saying. I was denying the inevitability.
And wondered if it was ita's barefoot site or something more particular.
Honestly (not that I'm biased) but I think celeb barefoot sites are less different than normal person barefoot sites. Because celeb sites are about pictures of celebs. And normal people sites are about pictures of bare feet.
Maria! Good to see you. I hope getting things out helped you.