I don't want to interrupt this conversation, because I've really been enjoying reading it, but I've had this sitting on my chest all day, and I need to get it out:
My brother told me today that the restaurant will not be reopening. Basically, they're kind of screwed by all the FEMA requirements (the brewery was in the basement of the building, and it's the only place they can really put it, and they're not allowed to have it there on rebuilding), and they aren't getting as much from insurance as they hoped, and the owners are already in huge debt.
They still have the separate cannery facility (which opened the same week as the hurricane), and are going to expand it slightly, so he has a job, but that's really not the point.
It's kind of a sucking chest wound. My bro is fine, but it's still such a fucking loss.
Ugh. Perspective-wise, he has a job, the owners still have the cannery, but -- it just really sucks.