Teppy, do you have a Trader Joe's nrby (I should clearly already know this from history, but I skim like a skimmer)? If so, grab some bags of different nuts- super hi protein, easiest snack in the world.
Right by my office. I go once a week, like clockwork (today, as a matter of fact). They have great nuts at really good prices.
I hope you don't go through my bra stage. The fitting - which is agony alone - and the next stage is week 2 after wearing them: "the noisy bra" stage.
OH MY GOD. I am peeing ALL THE PEE! Every 10 mins, yo, and I have been sipping steadily, but nothing that should necessitate this Niagara of micturition!
Strix will next be seen starring in the upcoming remake of
A River Runs Through It.
Ha, wait, what is "noisy bra" stage?
I wish I could tape it and play it, but my bra is NOISY. creaky. just about every movement, I hear my bra. It's embarrassing.
I did not know this was a possibility!
I wish I could tape it and play it, but my bra is NOISY. creaky. just about every movement, I hear my bra. It's embarrassing.
Yes! I have some awesome bras that (I can't lie) make my rack look AMAZING. But they creak like hell. I assume there's so much structural support (boning, underwires, whatever) that there's bound to be some creaking.
Oh, maybe that's why I don't know. I tend to hate underwires. But three out of the four I bought today have them, I think. Although I must say it seems like underwire technology has moved on since I was last in the market, because they were much more comfortable seeming. At the store, anyway, we'll see how they hold up (ha) in real life.
I third the issue with creaking bras.
And one of them has more padding than I generally go for, which is funny because it's also a larger size, so I put on my shirt to see how it looked under the shirt and it was totally all, HI THERE!