I wonder if part of it is that if you plan on having children you want to have the same name as them.
I've wondered this too.
When I married, my husband had 3 kids already and I was certain I would not have any of my own, so that didn't influence my decision, but I know some women for whom it was the deciding factor.
One family I work with sort it out by giving their girl children the mom's name and the boy's, the dad's.
When I asked if it was a problem with school or legal records their reply was something like, 'no more so than someone with a hard to pronounce name'.
I have to admit, I dearly love being called Mrs. Neil. Part of it is because so many people use first names routinely that I don't get to hear it often, so it feels more like an official title than a simple name. There's a bit of gravitas to it, which I appreciate at age 52. Plus, I just realized it rhymes with Mrs. Peel.
And because you can do the last name spelling thing, "V as in vampire."
Which makes Pete facepalm, so added bonus!
If I would have had a kid, I would have hyphenated kid's last name. It's no more cumbersome than many naming conventions that include the mother and father's last names in a child's name. Or, yanno, weirdly pronounced British last names. "Featherstonehaugh," I'm looking at you!
Get outta here! Really?
I'm generally pretty good at this sort of thing but did NOT see that coming.
When I see the long Indian names in the credits of movies, I wonder if they have to be truncated to fill out the various computerized forms people have to fill out or if the forms are scalable.
There there's Taliaferro.
Now, wait a minute. I used to know someone with this name. It was pronounced Talley-u-farrow.
Is that not right?