Not a printing press or other large machinery, though.
Sweet Italian Jesus, he is insisting on trying to print our invitations. Last night he sat down and figured out what the deadline would be for us to order invitations, so he knew how much time he had from now until then to try to print them.
He gets until Memorial Day.
I don't own a single plain white dish.
Neither do we. We're color sluts.
And our coffee cups are all nerd badges with a Nillyvisit mug (with Pete illo.), Nightmare Before Xmas, Edna Mode, David Bowie, some pretty vintage poster art, etc.
My plates are of the "Hm, we're down to less than five, I wonder what's on sale at Target/WalMart or what looks decent at the thrift store?" pattern.
I really would like a new set of plates, but all the boxed place settings come with mugs. We definitely do not need more mugs.
We do have white ones(and were nerdily psyched when Ted from QE said they were the best showcase for food) But my most recent purchase like that was old-fashioned glasses with palm trees on them.
Tea: The closest thing I have to white dishes is the china we registered for when we got married. link The reason we ended up with that one was because I loved the accent plate so much link.
My OTDishes are smooth white porcelain (as in when you hold it up to a light, the light glows through) with a thin silver border. I got the set for $7 at a garage sale when I was in college. It had started out as service for eight, and when I got it, there were two dinner plates with no chips. Beautiful and delicate. I left 'em behind in Ohio. I will never love another set of dishes the way I loved them. And anything that resembles but is not quite right... well, I might just as well go with the Fiesta Ware.
My plates are of the "Hm, we're down to less than five, I wonder what's on sale at Target/WalMart or what looks decent at the thrift store?" pattern.
yes. I have 3 patterns of dishes from Target. One full set and 2 partial sets. The full set is the set I bought last year. We will see when this becomes a partial.
I got two complete sets (minus mugs) of Corelle dishes at Odd Lots. I have a more-than-complete set of Corelle Blue Lily pattern packed away upstairs. I love Corelle.
The more I hear about Tim, the more he sounds like me. I would totally be trying to print my own. I have trays and trays of lead type, if he needs some. (Note to self: You must get rid of the trays and trays of lead type, even if you have to become the lead type lady on Etsy. Because one human being cannot lift a tray of lead type, they're in the stack I wrestled them into before I got sick, and I keep running into them.)
Steph, you said on FB that you didn't have colors. Yes, you do. Sapphire and silver. Get a bunch of blue and silver ribbon and you're done.
I would keep the mug because of the story, myself. Put pencils in it. Find a plastic pot that fits in it and grow something. Bask in your civic responsibility.
I registered for white Independence ironstone when I got married, but discovered that it chips, so there's not much left except outliers like a coffee pot. I have many dishes, though. My father was the only child born to three sisters and a brother and we inherited all the china. At one point, we figured out we could serve a hundred people with full place settings. Mother has foisted some off on me and sold the Minton, which she always hated because it was my father's mother's best china and we weren't good enough to eat off it. My mother is a much more advanced hater than I am.
eta: It's this [link] coffee pot. I should sell it, shouldn't I? Also, mid century my ass.)