Smaller than a crow. Bigger than a starling. Bright yellow breast, bright blue body. Gorgeous. Never saw one before. Almost ran off the road looking at it.
How close are you to Mexico? The orange-breasted bunting would fit the colour description: [link]
Generally, for a colourful North American bird I'd first think tanager, jay or cardinal (inc. buntings). I don't know that there are any jays with yellow bellies in those parts, and there are only a few tanager species that get that far north. That leaves me thinking cardinal family.
bonny, I meant to say before, I'm very proud of you.
bonny, that's so cool! You can be like introverted Jamie Oliver ;)
I got a message on Etsy from a guy from OkCupid linking to his profile. *headdesk* Dude, keep the dating chat to the dating site? And maybe the right one? I'm not even on
Billytea, I'm nowhere near Mexico but that looks like the bird I saw today! Wow. He's a long way from home, if so.
Just checking in to say I'm only a tiny bit sore today, with a headache that I wish would go away. The concert last night helped with the stress. After the accident I had to go back out to get a prescription for my uti, which of course was never called in, so I was a big ball of stress by the time I got to the concert, but we met friends there and had lots of fun.
sj, I too am glad you were not hurt...and I hope the other driver finally sees the light and becomes safer on the road.
Yeah, me too. Especially since she is four months pregnant.
bonny, that's so cool! You can be like introverted Jamie Oliver ;)
Thanks Andi and erin. I _am_ putting myself out there, which I hope it will be fun.
If I took much stock in the MBTI, I'd have to say that my off-the-chart E of 20 years ago has drilled so far down into the I that I have to consciously effort to interact beyond the neighborhood.
Yeah, me too. Especially since she is four months pregnant.
Mercy, sj. I'm sorry you ended up with soreness and headache, and please-God, other driver had some sense knocked into her! Poor bairn. I wish s/he luck.
The other driver probably shouldn't be driving I think. She probably has too much on her mind.
I'm glad nothing worse than sore developed, sj.
Sorry the pen pal thing isn't coming through like expected, erika.
The other driver probably shouldn't be driving I think. She probably has too much on her mind.
To be honest, I think she was driving herself home from high school. She looked really young.
Ack, sj. {{sj}} Glad you're okay.