Did I gripe here about my bank card getting compromised? Because I just got another new one in the mail because apparently BoA's databases were compromised. So all that work I just did getting stuff switched over to my new debit card? I have to do AGAIN. Yeah, time to close that account, I think.
Oh, dear. I got a new debit card from them about 6 months ago because of a database problem, though nothing has been taken from my account.
Oh no, sj, that's no fun.
OMG. what the fuck. I'm sorry.
Here's what I don't understand: short of you saying you wished she would die, what possibly could be so terrible that you could not have a polite dinner and discuss it with your son later?
just FYI, but it may be BoA that's the problem, not your account. Unless by "close the account" you mean, "and open an account in a new bank."
Oh good lord, sj. And you too Liese.
Unless by "close the account" you mean, "and open an account in a new bank."
Yes. Yes I do.
I have, in point of actual fact, already opened the account in a new bank, but haven't quite got everything up to speed there, like, say, direct deposit. But seriously, yo, I have got to get out of there.
I have, in point of actual fact, already opened the account in a new bank, but haven't quite got everything up to speed there, like, say, direct deposit. But seriously, yo, I have got to get out of there.
That's the point I'm at too.
Credit Unions...way to go. I love my credit union.
Seconding the love of credit unions.
can cats catch a cold? Gray Cat has been sneezing all day and now he's snoring hilariously.
I must get back into the habit of exercise. I'm turning into a sloth.