I'm hoping my sleep issues these last few days are because I haven't been taking one of my meds. I got my refill today - may it kick in quickly.
I got some chicken burgers from Costco over the weekend and ate one because I was starving. It wasn't until half way through eating it that I realized it has red pepper in it. Red pepper doesn't sit well with me and not what I needed with this stupid headache. WHY didn't I read the package first?!?!? Now I'm just marking time before I can take more headache meds and try to sleep.
It is amazing how much more energy I have with less pain. I had gotten use a constant pain level of 3 or 4 on the 1-10 scale. I went to the doctor when that escalated to 6 and above. But with the pain med I now have pain levels of 1 or 2. And I sleep better and can exercise longer (Not because the exercise hurt before, but because it wore me out more quickly). Low pain levels are good. Zero would be even better, but I'll take what I can get.
Low pain levels are good. Zero would be even better, but I'll take what I can get.
That is awesome, Typo Boy. I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better and able to do more. The sudden absence of chronic pain is truly a wonder.
What's the difference between being depressed and feeling sorry for yourself?
When I'm depressed, I vacillate between feeling sorry for myself and hating myself for being such a wuss. Sometimes I multitask and do both at the same time. That's usually all I can do when I'm depressed, is those two things. Oh, and numb out. So make it three.
I'm not even kidding when I say that focusing on compassion for myself (not the same as self-pity) is making a huge difference in my life.
Depression makes the sorry for yourself nine times worse.
Bonny, try the cardboard. If it's as effective as I think it will be, then get the blackout curtains in time for summer.
It is amazing how much more energy I have with less pain.
Chronic pain is horrible and often fairly misunderstood. I am glad you are getting effective treatment now.
can you take a mini-vacation or a day off from work?
The problem I have with sleep masks is that I wake up better with the sunrise and daylight....so if I have total darkness, I can't do that! Ideally I guess I'd wear a sleep mask and take it off around 6AM or whatever...
Doesn't help, le n. I just spend the time watching television (not what I need) and when I go back nothing's changed. I don't need rest as much as I need energy or motivation or something.
but that's what I mean: can you take a day off and go visit a friend or something.
when I go back nothing's changed
I know that feeling. Sometimes I think a vacation is one of the worst things, because you go off and have fun in some pleasant location then you have to come back to the real world. There was a cruise line a while back that had an advertisement where a couple was going through their daily routine and bemoaning how wonderful it was on the ship. I did not see that as an encouragement.