Hey Ginger, want to go to London for my birthday?
I wish I could, but I'm afraid my funds are committed to exciting trips through the PET scan machine. The good news is that my blood work is normal, and last week's PET scan didn't show any spread outside my bones, which is about as good as I can hope for.
Tim's objection to the cupcakes -- at least, that he's told me about -- is that they're messy and drop crumbs because people eat them with their hands rather than on a plate with forks, and that means more for the B&B staff to clean up. I pointed out that our families aren't howler monkeys and will be neat and clean, but he was still dubious.
Serve them on a plate with a fork?
What if you're just planning to ... eat a lot of cake?
Well, save that confession for here after you taste ALL THE CAKES. If you put it on Facebook, some local bakery police might see it and cry shenanigans on your cake tasting tour.
I don't really care about the timing, I just don't want to go a trip with someone I don't know who may have different motivations for being there. I want to see theatre, go to a few museums, eat at some good places, and hang out in pubs. Is it bad to say I don't want to go now?
No, it's not bad. It's honest.
But, I have to be honest, Vortex. I would want to see the crown jewels again if I went. We can never go to London together. Or plan a few hours apart.
Amy, I think you and S totally should have a recommitment ceremony. Those can have cake. Presto, cake tasting.
I'm glad the blood work and PET scans were good, Ginger.
Traveling with someone whose priorities don't mesh with yours can get pretty tense. But if you're ok with hanging in a pub for a few hours while they do the Tower and such, it could work out. Is your friend someone with whom you could say, "Swing by the Red Lion when you're ready to see the Museum"?
The good news is that my blood work is normal, and last week's PET scan didn't show any spread outside my bones, which is about as good as I can hope for.
Good job, Ginger's body. Keep that up.
The good news is that my blood work is normal, and last week's PET scan didn't show any spread outside my bones, which is about as good as I can hope for.
Good job, Ginger's body. Keep that up.
Hear, hear!
Tim's objection to the cupcakes -- at least, that he's told me about -- is that they're messy and drop crumbs because people eat them with their hands rather than on a plate with forks, and that means more for the B&B staff to clean up. I pointed out that our families aren't howler monkeys and will be neat and clean, but he was still dubious.
Serve them on a plate with a fork?
I totally suggested that. He remained dubious. He's an odd bird.
But he's YOUR odd bird. Chirp chirp chirp!
I've seen more than a few wedding cupcake cakes recently. There's a very good chance the B&B has done this before and can put his mind at ease.
Cupcakes you buy in stores are often a bit dry and crumbly because they have to hold up in display cases for a long time. Wedding cup cakes should be moister and (if made to my tastes) a bit sticky - which means fewer crumbs. But yes serve on plates with forks.