Shane is so cute!! Good luck with the transition.
sj, I feel you. Consistency is not a strength of mine, at all.
My parents should be about to board the plane home right now. They were a big help and super generous and we had some fun, and boy was I ready for them to leave. Too many days in a row without down time away from them. Last night my dad got in that "I'm a dude, I can do this" mode about something I absolutely didn't give a shit about at the time. And I even said, "I really don't care about this," but he continued to fiddle. I know he likes to help and to figure things out, but I wish he would listen. And get a fucking hearing aid so he actually could hear. And then my mom and her fussiness... it was a good visit overall, I'm just so wiped.
I've also realized that the stress of the last few weeks has me on the unintentional "acid reflux diet." I have the cough, the chest pain, the inability to tell when I'm hungry until I'm starving, and the sweater I put on yesterday was hanging kind of loose around the middle. I'm hoping that now that I'm moved and settling in, that will start to go away. In the meantime, I need to find the box with my Zantac, or buy another bottle.
Smonster, feel better.
After rushing to get here, the nutritionist is running late again.
one suggestion: email notes to yourself to track your eating via regular email or evernote. I would do this to track my eating almost 2 years ago and if I gave it around the same subject line, it was easy to find in evernote.
Thanks, le nubian. I've never used Evernote, but that is a good idea. The nutritionist was still very scattered but slightly more pleasant this time around. She's pleased with my progress, but would still love to have me give up gluten.
you can also use springpad if you don't like evernote. there are all kinds of alternatives of places to keep notes on a basic web browser when you are out and about.
Yay Shane, the big boy !
Why is gluten the big bad? I know there are people that truly suffer and I am not trying to discount it. However, it is looking fashionable at the moment.
Grumble grumble. Arrgh. OK, so this week is a LOOooong week for work. Working full day on Saturday. Half day (at least) on Sunday as strike 2 shows at the same time. Plus, it's the final week of the quarter, and we are preparing to host (2) seminars from a major audio manufacturer in the next 3 weeks.... so... BUSY!
Yesterday, the load in for the last show of the quarter went really well. So well in fact, there isn't much to do today except emails. So I email the boss saying hey, yesterday went so well, to minimize OT, as per directive, I'm taking the day off. He responds, "what about the meeting at 1:30" which was rescheduled from last week, and I forgot to update my calendar. So now I gotta drive in 35 min each way for a one hour meeting.
The thing that was so perfect of all this. I have a package from Amazon coming today. They didn't send it fedex or UPS, but some other carrier. Last time I wasn't home for a package delivered by them, I had to drive to Compton to pick it up. Not the most pleasant of industrial parks at 8pm when the pick up window opens. I just know that the package will arrive in the 2 hours I'm gone.
(yes, it's the end of the quarter, and I am tired and cranky. please ignore this minor venting. Diamond shoes are too tight, and all that)
I think it is because of sj's intestinal difficulties.