Cutie Shane!
I sneak in candy bought at the grocery store if we go to a first-run movie
Ditto. And we either share one soda or share a water.
We also learned long ago that one parent takes the kid to the movie, not both. I think the last time we went as a family was for the first new Star Wars, with both boys. I was pissed I paid for that one.
There are no second-run theaters here, which bites.
Now I'm wondering if our usual theater is actually a third-run, or if we really are out here in the sticks. $1.50 is the top price, unless it's 3D, then it's %3.50. And management focuses on big shows and kid stuff. They know their audience. There are several discount theaters around here, but families are big and college students are cheap.
t Whine
Dance meetings are typically 8:30am on Wednesdays. With traffic, that is a nightmare for me to make, as I usually come in at 10:30 to avoid all that traffic stuff. It means leaving home at 7am (for a 24 mile commute)
Typically, shop time with the Grad Students is M,Tu,Th afternoons 3-6pm.
This quarter, due to selfish drama professors who wanted afternoon classes, shop time was forced to be M, Tu, Th 9am-noon.
Coincedentlly enough, the dance meetings, were moved to Wed 5pm.
Next quarter, dance meetings are moving to 8am! And shop time is back to 3-6pm.
This job doesn't want me to avoid traffic or sleep in. Don't they know, I got into theater because I'm a night owl! Mornings are for sleeping through. ::sigh:: Sucks to be middle management. All the responsibilities, none of the decision making.
t /Whine
When I was a kid (between the ages of 2 and 13) it was just Mom, and me. We always shared a meal at a restaurant and shared a candy and soda. So, I guess I'm just not used to how families that are bigger than two do things.
My Mom has run into a problem with her reverse mortgage. Even though she has money left on it (well under the limit she was told she had) she has been told they will be cutting off the draw based on leaving a reserve for future interest, insurance and fees. She needs a lawyer, and the question is what legal speciality. I don't think just any real estate lawyer could handle this. There must be a sup-speciality within financial or real estate law that handles this sort of thing.
When did my little baby get so big????
That is NOT Shane. Shane is a baby. He will never grow up. The fact that the kid (KID!) in the picture has the same sweet face is irrelevant!
I think a real estate lawyer who knows reverse mortgages should be able to deal with this.
Egad, Shane is such a cutie GC! Is he excited about being a big brother?
As for movies in the theater, we just don't go that often. I think we saw Brave last year, and The Hobbit.
That is NOT Shane. Shane is a baby. He will never grow up. The fact that the kid (KID!) in the picture has the same sweet face is irrelevant!
That is how I felt. Cannot process Shane as big boy, no matter how adorable.