why can't you do this in one house and have different themed rooms?
Well, I could...except my house is currently already full of antiques and vintage stuff that came from my grandmother's/mother's house, which was larger than mine, so all the rooms have a vintage feel. And I love all my stuff! It just seems like there are two different parts of me that don't fit together very well.
I should go be social tonight, but I'm feeling kind of hermity.
Awesomeness! A kookaburra has moved into my neighbourhood. I'm currently listening to it compete with the magpies.
Is it sitting in an old gum tree?
So, my brother just called to tell me he's all ordained and whatnot. And he was able to pick a title from a dropdown menu of titles -- he went with "Magus." Which is hilarious and awesome -- UNTIL you hear what he *could* have had as a title.
How do you NOT pick that? Crazy fool.
Uh, you want to be married by the Master? Maybe pick someone a little saner and less violent, like Voldemort.
Dang, bt. Sorry about the lice. And my goodness, that Madison sounds like a handful.
Went to Target and bought All The Things. Well, my parents insisted on a generous housewarming shopping trip, so they bought all the things. Still no Internet. I swear, among cable providers, Cox works pretty hard to be extra shitty.
Going to get some pizza and eat in, and then Tom and Nora are going to drop by and my friend RI, too. Fucking exhausted, can believe I start a whole new work week tomorrow. It is to cry. I'm tempted to take tomorrow off, actually. Huh. That just occurred to me.
Uh, you want to be married by the Master? Maybe pick someone a little saner and less violent, like Voldemort.
Hey, we would start married life backed by some seriously big guns. Can't beat that.
I am with my nephews today! We had lunch at Chili's and are seeing Oz the Great and Powerful next. Then gifts at Target. It's expensive to put years worth of spoiling into one day.