So, Goodwill stores have started their own online auction site, which makes sense, because you know they get donations of some stuff that's worth a lot of money. Browsing the "Miscellaneous" category is a highly entertaining way to spend an hour.
BRB, looking for ankh pendants and copies of Dracula.
Well that was fast. I'm now the high bidder on an ankh pendant (and a bunch of silver chains that come with it) AND a copy of Dracula. There's also a pair of Fluevogs on there, but not in a style I'm looking for. Teppy, I promise not to tell Pete that you pointed me at that site.
Hey, blame Tim. He found it first!
Check this ring out: [link] It has no bids yet, but it's gorgeous. I can't believe something like that ended up at Goodwill.
Knights Templar jackets! Whooooo!
But no Ray Bradbury books.
This actually is probably pretty awesome: James Earl Jones reads the Bible.
Darth Vader, actually saying "I am your father," but in a different context.
Anyone need the MCR Black Parade box set? [link]
In addition to what Cass said, if you are going to have the caterers box something up for you make sure at least 2 other people know and have someone designated to get it to you and Tim before you leave.
I can't remember which wedding, but one I went to the MoB made sure there was a picnic basket with plenty of food for the couple. But in the commontion of being Mother of the Bride the basket didn't get in the car with the newlyweds and no one figured it out until the next day when it was found with some decorations.
Dang, I'm almost tempted to bid on this: William Jennings Bryan plate. I could eat pizza off the Great Commoner.
Oh my dog you are getting married on my birthday. BEST PRESENT EVER. Also, it is the International Day of Peace. True.
Can I ask how you accomplished that? Seriously. My therapist and I were talking last time about my complete lack of resiliency.
DBT and Buddhism and meditation. Learning to let go. What you resist, persists. Mindfulness. All different facets of the same thing. Email me if you want to talk about it.
Uh, hope I'm not being too terse. I'm kind of tipsy. Dropped the folks at the hotel and went to Pete's.