Did you call me yesterday? I was in a work meeting till 7:30 (!!!!)
I hope things are a bit more chill today.
So, with this new focus on beer stuff here, I've expanded my circle of friendly acquaintances. This has led to being so terribly overly sensitive that I am constantly feeling snubbed. I forgot about this downside to "putting yourself out there. " It sucks.
Nora, was just looking for a restaurant consult, but figured it out. Went to Magasin, it was awesome of course.
That is a late work meeting! You must have been so tired.
Here we go again... I did realize that just a few years ago, I probably couldn't have handled a day of this stress, much less over a week. So much more resilient than I used to be, and for that I give thanks.
So much more resilient than I used to be, and for that I give thanks.
Can I ask how you accomplished that? Seriously. My therapist and I were talking last time about my complete lack of resiliency.
We're home from the funeral. It was a beautiful service. My nephews are growing up so much! I'm going to have them all to myself on Monday; I can't wait!
Dr Martens is making kids shoes again: link.
Okay. We booked the B&B for September 21. We're officially getting married.
WOOO! Congratulations, and Very Best Wishes to you both!!
Date set, venue obtained! It's officially official! Congrats!
We booked the B&B for September 21.
Practically on Emmett's birthday (the 23rd).
Yay! Now we get to hear more wedding plans and. Help you make them ridiculous and then you can find sanity again