It's not too boobtastic for one's own wedding?
I mean, I know I can get it tailored (and probably will have to for the length, no matter what), so I suppose I could adjust the boobtasticness.
It comes in copper, too: [link] which is kind of perfect for a fall wedding, except the blue would look so much better on me.
And Tim could get the blue version of the tie.
It's not too boobtastic for one's own wedding?
It's your wedding and you're marrying a guy who will be wearing a "yay, ropes" tie. You can be boobtastic if you wish. But it's going to be altered anyway so adjust the boobage.
What they all said. Go boobtastic blue dress that you and your intended both like! You really would rock the hell out of that dress.
Get the dress you want, and to hell with what's appropriate. You rock the red lipstick like no one's business, and you're going to look like a '50s screen siren when you put it all together. Go for the blue.
BLUE! It's fantastically perfect for you.
I love crowdsourced events.
That tie is too perfect. Love!
I loved both dresses, but I do prefer the blue and you would rock that very hard.
Tell your OCD fiance that he'd better start working on his Eldredge Knot.
Speaking of ties, This guy had an away game today so he had to wear a tie to school.
Speaking of ties, This guy had an away game today so he had to wear a tie to school.
Damn, that son of yours is way too grown-up. And looking fancy in that tie!