And in mememe news, I got promoted yesterday. I'm sure that y'all have noticed that I've been much happier in the last year, though more absent since I have to actually work now. It feels good to know that they like me as much as I like them.
I talked with a woman at a mixer who had a dress you absolutely would rock, Vortex. I complimented her on it and we actually talked about it so I am going to see if I have Google-fu. I thought it might be rude to ask to see the tag and since she was giving me job seeking advice, I erred on "not raised by wolves."
Stephanie, how's your daughter doing? If she is drinking fluids, but not feeling like eating, might I suggest a bottle of Ensure? I drink one for breakfast. It's like liquid multi-vitamin. It's designed for old folks who don't/can't eat (is my understanding). It's sold in the health/beauty section of Target and grocery stores. For me, it keeps the stomach growls at bay for 2-3 hours. Anyhow, just an idea to get nutrition in fluid form. Hope she is doing better!
Smonster, tons of spoons your way. I feel your pain. I'm *still* unpacking boxes, and moving things around, and trying this over there, and what not. So, don't feel bad that not everything is perfect and in it's place. It's called moving.
Vortex, that's great news! Congrats.
Big congrats to Biyi! That is fabulous! I raise my invisible glass to her.
There was more. But I forget what else. Sorry. My brain isn't working well today. Second sleep didn't happen until my super early alarm went off. So, I overslept. Thankfully I worked late last night, and nothing pressing this morning, so no harm no foul as far as work is concerned. But still. Groggy.
I cannot find anything exact but it reminded me a lot of this one in black wool-looking-ish fabric. But with a portrait neckline, not a collar. And the sleeves were shorter, more open and !! had a 2-3" cuff that was contrast satin. Her's was a fabulous green.
It just looked spectacular and once we were talking about it, she told me it was lined entirely with the same satin. So she said it felt way better than even the dress looked. And she knew she looked so damn good. Plus she was stacked and really tall. With her heels she was around 6'2".
It was one of those dresses you could wear to even a conservative office (though not probably to a very casual one unless you wanted to make a statement), a party, wedding or anywhere. Sadly I am terrible at effectively describing it but if I find a better image to convey it, I will link.
I really thought it would be amazing on you before I was introduced to her.
Meara, thought you might like this: [link]
Also Hec, while I'm at it.
she's got great eyes! hubba hubba.
I missed the Biyi news! Someone nilly me?
D is now an uncle! Woot! And my parents have also arrived, by a rather different method.
Wow, chatty Bitches today!
Teppy, please don't feel the need to stop talking about all the wedding planning, it makes me very happy to read it all.
Congratulations to D! Does he have a nephew or niece? Smonster, best of luck with the move.
Mom was here today because we're supposed to be getting another storm later in the week. I'm hoping the storm doesn't interfere with my being able to spend time with my nephews this week. I'm an awful person, because even though I am sad for them that they lost their grandfather, I'm grateful that the wake and funeral are being held in RI so I will be able to see them.
Also Hec, while I'm at it.
Good eye, Scrappy! I was just reading that yesterday.
Niece. The nursery has a woodland theme, it's super cute.