Chronic pain sucks, and I don't begrudge him his medication.
You're a good person, Teppy. But if he's going to go all Fatherzilla of the Bride he's. going. to. have. to.
If I were to get married at my highly advanced and stuff-having age I'd register for some
stuff. Nice linens. Nice knives. A few pieces of Creuset. Otherwise, people are going to get me "sentimental" stuff I'm going to have NOTHING to do with.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I linked Biyi to the thread and she thinks you're all lovely people.
A few pieces of Creuset.
We actually need a new set of pots and pans in a big way. So perhaps we'll register for swanky pots and pans. And our microwave is getting quite old and inconsistent in its ability to cook a 12-course meal.
We had no clue about finding an officiant (our choices were a big gay leather daddy [seriously] and an acquaintance who responded to new of our engagement with "I'm ordained!"). I talked to my brother last night, and he said he'd get ordained online and marry us.
I cried. That will be perfect. Or 100% hilarious.
I have to call the place today where we're thinking of getting married, to see if we can look at it this weekend. It's a B&B that's 5 minutes from our house (which we did not pick on purpose) that was a stop on the Underground Railroad, which is kind of incredible: [link]
We're thinking September.
I'm freaking out because it's actually real. If we set a date, it's REAL.
I'm not good with change, not even fantastic change. But I'm operating under the assumption that, by the time it rolls around, I'll be on board.
Damn, I cannot keep my promise about not being That Woman who talks about planning her wedding all the time.
I'ma stop. I promise.
I like hearing about your plans!
The B&B is really pretty.
No worries, Tep, it's allllll good.
Hey Tep, you're getting married in September!
I talked to my brother last night, and he said he'd get ordained online and marry us.
Teppy - it's fun to hear your wedding plans.