I knew about the dollar dance thing (although I've only been to one wedding where they did it, so I didn't think it was A Thing Everyone Does), but something about the apron just really skeeves me out. Maybe it's the level of detail.
Or maybe it's my father telling me to dance with men for money. I don't know.
...maybe you should cope by drinking?
I don't know. I'm just cranky and stressed and my hands are shaking and and I don't want to deal with my father telling me to dance with men at my wedding so they can put money in my clothing.
That sound you hear is $50,000 of therapy going right down the toilet.
...maybe you should cope by drinking?
That's certainly my family's preferred way of coping, if my alcoholic father and brother are anything to go by.
I vote that you take none of your Dad's advice, but hire an escort for him on the night of your wedding to keep him distracted.
"Deploy the whores! Deploy the hooooooors!!!!"
Oh dear Steph. Sounds like you dealt with him admirably, fwiw. But I do hope he's less medicated at the actual wedding.
But I do hope he's less medicated at the actual wedding.
He's more or less fine when he's at his baseline level of medication, but I think when he's home and takes his evening meds (meaning, he knows he won't be behind the wheel of a car, thank god), he takes a higher amount, and it leaves him so stoned.
Chronic pain sucks, and I don't begrudge him his medication. I'm glad he has a doctor who is helping him to manage it. But the side effects are lousy.
One variant of the money dance has people pinning money to you. I would not want to trust drunken people with sharp objects, no matter how much money they have.