I'm still not 100% sure that I'm keeping her. She's a foster now, and if it's not working out, then I can bring her back to the shelter and they can find another home for her. I'm just getting really stressed out and anxious here, and it's really not good for me to be anxious like this.
Aw, hon. That's tough. How much of the stress is around the housebreaking issue? If that's most of it, I would encourage you to give it a bit more time because she really will get it and life will get a lot easier. Outside of that, as she gets more comfortable, it's likely you will too. But it's not for everybody, or every dog is not right for every situation. There's a reason they do foster-to-adopt situations. I know you've been through a bit of a roller coaster and I'm sure that's not helping, but I'm sure you will figure out what is right for you.
Hopefully you'll get to the lovey-dovey part that makes the other worthwhile.
I'm going to bring her back. I just can't handle this level of stress. I guess that dog-owning, or at least dog-owning by myself, isn't for me. I just called the volunteer I've been working with at the shelter, and she's going to see if I can bring her back tonight.
Sorry Hil. At least you know. Want to try a cat?
Sorry Hil. At least you know. Want to try a cat?
I'm allergic. A cat would be easier -- a lot less worry about leaving it home alone -- but I know I don't vacuum and everything often enough for that to work.
I think Tommyrot may have a solution for that...
sumi, good grief, much ~ma for you!
Hil, if you still want a dog, you'd probably be better off with an older, laid-back dog who's already housetrained and knows the deal. Buffy's probably picking up on your stress and anxiety, and that's adding to hers. Don't feel bad if it doesn't work out. She might be better off with someone who's accustomed to housetraining and can deal with an anxious dog.
They are doing Shakespeare outside my office. The joys of working in the School of the Arts, with a gorgeous sunny day. I think it's Romeo & Juliet. But the acting is a bit... well.. forceful. Time to break out the sandwhich and listen to the show.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, Hil.
But the acting is a bit... well.. forceful.
Is that code for "loud"? Whereabouts on campus are you? I'm trying to picture it but I don't know where the drama department is.