Awwww, what a cutie. And her expression says she's *this* close to figuring out cold fusion, too.
Connie, in this case, not BS. Extremely helpful.
Thankfully, the owner was pleased with my response to _both_ fired clients yesterday. So, I've got that going for me.
Scary doctor appointment today went better than anticipated. The doctor pretended that he had not been a jerk and I got a blissfully disinterested phlebotomist who did quick work. I was impressed with my own composure, truth to tell.
Plus, the letter to the hospital finally got into the mail today.
It's been a crazy stressful few weeks.
Tonight, I am taking it totally easy. Bath and early to bed for me.
A Nillybaby held by Nilly herself was exactly what my day needed. Thanks!
Good news: I have a job interview tomorrow. Bad news: It's with a security guard company, which seems, I dunno, not a great environment for me. Eh, won't know until I check it out. At the very least, it's good interview practice.
I've got Buffy home now! I took her for a walk, and let her explore the living room (which meant sniffing every inch of the floor and couch), and then I put her in the playpen for a bit while I ate dinner, which she did not like at all, but she seemed to get resigned to it after a little while. The people at the shelter said she was crate trained, but she seems to be afraid of the crate. I'm going to have to get a taller gate for my doorway, because it took her about five minutes to figure out how to jump over the one I got. Now she's sitting next to me on the couch and being adorable.
but she seems to be afraid of the crate.
Can you put some of your dirty clothes in there, like a t-shirt? If she can smell you, it should settle her down.
Yay Hil! And Steph is wise.
Yay Nilly baby! Yay new dog!
Hil, I crate train the dogs with food. We feed them in their crates, and every time I say the word "crate" I run to the crate with a treat in hand. It doesn't take too long for the dogs to be extremely excited about their crates.
Aw, NillyBaby is adorable!
Pix is wise.
I crate trained Cagney by feeding him in the crate, making it super cushy and giving him the MOST special treats in there.
I can say 'Go to bed' when we are out on the street and he will run upstairs and tuck himself in.
It does not hurt that he _loves_ his sleep. Like mommy, like puppy, I guess.