And yet, people like Nilly are reproducing.
I was reminded the other day of a extraordinarily brilliant friend of mine. He was in his 80s when my first son was born and when he visited me in the hospital it was the very first baby he had ever held. We used to go to lunch often. He reminded me of my dad, super engineer, was head of the national engineers society or whatever for years.
When I first told Gordon that I was pregnant he looked at me like I was stark raving mad. He argued with me that I surely had more important things to accomplish with my life, etc, etc. He was dead serious. He had been married forever, but they didn't have children because his contributions to the world were much more important. Of course my argument was that it didn't make a whole lot of evolutionary sense to only let the dumb reproduce.
Anyway, I feel better about the world when people like Nilly reproduce because I know the world is a better place with her children in it.
YAY Nilly Baby! Thank you for the update, Shir!
Of course my argument was that it didn't make a whole lot of evolutionary sense to only let the dumb reproduce.
Have you seen Idiocracy? Not a very good movie, but the first 15 minutes are absolutely brilliant (and depressing).
Have you seen Idiocracy? Not a very good movie, but the first 15 minutes are absolutely brilliant (and depressing).
My immediate takeaway from the movie (other than "Plants crave it," which has become an oft-repeated phrase in our house) was that it was dumb as hell.
But it stuck with me, and in my more pessimistic moments, I'm convinced, totally convinced, that it's wildly accurate about human development.
Yeah, the movie overall was no good. But that opener is totally worth watching! You'll laugh, you'll cry...
You'll laugh, you'll cry...
You'll name your kid Frito.
He argued with me that I surely had more important things to accomplish with my life, etc, etc. He was dead serious. He had been married forever, but they didn't have children because his contributions to the world were much more important
...was his wife also making these vitally important contributions?? I suddenly feel kind of bad for her. Eesh.
Welcome to the world, Nilly-daughter!
So I had a mammogram this morning with a tech who had the worst bedside manner I have ever experienced. I felt like a piece of meat. I know the have to adjust you here and there but she barely was interested in speaking to me. If I could have removed my breasts and handed them to her to look at she probably would have preferred it.