So, Tim was saying that he wished he could have an engagement ring, too. (He doesn't wear a lot of jewelry when he cross-dresses -- he has a couple of necklaces that I've given him for Christmas, etc. But he's generally not a jewelry-type of gal when he cross-dresses.)
Well, in addition to the family diamond ring I mentioned last week, I have some other family rings that I never wear, because they're too big and, frankly, too fancy for my life. I'd LOVE to have occasions to wear them, but I don't.
I'm not sure what family member they came from, but whoever it was, she had ENORMOUS hands, because the rings are way too big for my Hulk-sized ring finger.
Tim's hands are bigger than mine. So last night I pulled out one of the family rings and asked him if he'd like to wear it as an engagement ring. He said yes. It's so much fancier than mine, it makes me laugh.
In this picture (you should be able to see it, because even though the picture is private, this is a guest pass), the ring I gave him is the one on my middle finger: [link] The family diamond ring is on my ring finger, and the giant blue sapphire is one that I think I'm going to have re-set into a pendant, because I will never ever wear it as a ring.
So my gal has a ring now. It's kind of the most adorable thing ever.
t edit
I mean, I REALLY love the ring I gave him -- the setting is amazing. But it's clearly way fancier than my life. I would love a fancy occasion to wear it to. Possibly I'll wear it on my right hand when I get married.
Nora, I'm finishing up that article from Time. It's a VERY long article (The Bitter Pill- cover story). A bit of repitition. But the concluding page has some excellent points. Well worth the read.
Another article, that I just read, Is called "It's raining [Jilli-Font] in Brazil" [link]
There are no pictures of Jilli-Font items. But there is a video (that I did not click on). And like many articles, the title is worse than the reality. Not that I want to be near the situation when it is happening!
It's not 100% definite yet, but it looks like I'm going to be adopting a dog this week! She's a 1 1/2-year-old Shih-Poo (a mix that really needs a better name), and she's really sweet. I can't formally adopt her until she's spayed, so I won't be signing all the papers and everything until next weekend, but I can probably take her home on Wednesday.
Puppy for Hil! Ring for Tim! Roommate for smonster! Yays all around!
I am watching Ancient Aliens, because it makes me feel smart, while pretending to get some work done. Yes, the same work I was pretending to do yesterday.
Ancient Aliens?
No. I really don't want to know.
Puppy for Hil! Ring for Tim! Roommate for smonster! Yays all around!
Sounds like lyrics to a song. And a happy one at that.
It seems like it would be sung by The Archies.
Ancient Aliens?
No. I really don't want to know.
Aliens did everything, le n! EVERYTHING. We humans are merely gibbering drooling things with thumbs that they created to mine gold for them! They taight us everythi8ng and Then they left and only old sotries and piles of rock are left ot tell the tale! We were SEEDED on this plante! The pyramids made energy for tehm! The greys are future timetraveliung humans! The eevidence is everywhere OPEN UR EYES
ouch. This stuff is really fascinating... a look into certain peoples' persistent delusions. There are actual facts in this mess, but they're wildly misinterpreted, mixed with anecdotes, myths, pure fantasy, and huge misconceptions about history and science.
The dog's name now is Buffy. I'm trying to decide whether to keep that name or change it to something else.