Because one is a content mill, and the other... if you're a Real Writer, and Doin' Yer Business Right, you would NEVER have to use Elance!
Hence, I am stoopid, not a real writer and a bad businesswoman. @@
ETA: I'm over it, and laughing it off now. Just sharing the dumb.
ETAII: Typo. Fixed, because I am a Real Writer!
You could always say "Well, I *do* have other skills, but they'd probably get me arrested."
You could always say "Well, I *do* have other skills, but they'd probably get me arrested."
I love you, erika. Even though you just made me choke on a banana. (Unfortunately, NOT a euphemism.)
HA! Like I said, I have disengaged, but...tempting, erika!
Dude, seriously, don't touch the crazy. It'll just get its gooey slime all over you. So much better to point and laugh.
I *thought* I was participating in an intelligent convo with professionals. The naivete, it burns...
Oh Erin. I am glad you're not letting it get to you. I'm kind of a renowned expert in my particular area of technical knowledge in my job, and I *still* have idiots trying to undermine me on teh interwebs.
I'm still coughing. This is really getting old.
Oh, Hil, the recovery time for bronchitis sucks. I hope it gets better very soon.
javachik, yeah. I was all "I AM ANG!..ry? Naw...oh, WTF, lurkers support me in email and they're awesome. On to better things!"
In my head, natch.