I'm glad the funeral went well, Nora. I've been thinking of you both. I know family stuff can be fraught during these times, so it sounds like you're making the best decisions you can.
Yeah, that's one of the biggest things for me with flylady, the giving permission to do short bursts. Which reminds me, I have to do my 15 minutes declutter yet this morning, and whaddya know, I have about 20 minutes before I need to leave the house (test driving Honda Pilot!) so that should work out just fine!
I shined the sink last night! FWIW.
Nora, I'm glad that the service for Tom's mother was nice. I hope Tom's half-brother doesn't decide to cause trouble.
ND, I am glad there was a nice service. I remember attending bad funeral services and those last in your memories a really long time. It's a terrible way to send a loved one off!
Does Tom have a lot of paperwork to resolve?
Nora, I'm glad the service was nice. I hope relations with the younger set continue to be pleasant, and may you avoid M altogether.
Recovery~ma to JZ and Daniel and meara and anybody else needing some.
And general better~ma to everybody else.
Recovery~ma to JZ
She's actually back at work today. A bit phlegmy but upright.
Nora, I'm glad the services were nice, and that there was no drama to contend with. Hopefully everything else goes as smoothly as possible.
Phlegm is awful...I don't cope well with it. One of the few things I have in common with Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory."
(Although I don't have a dropper labeled "mucus"
{{{Nora and Tom}}}
sj, even though homeowning has had its stresses, I've enjoyed it so much more than renting.
What Beverly and Liese and everybody said, Nora. Glad you checked in, I've been thinking about y'all.
Project: Don't Spend Money is proceeding in miserly fashion. I needed gas so I used $5 to get a couple of gallons to get me through until payday, instead of charging it. I have $5 left until the 15th, and I'm kind of determined to make it. I have food enough to last, I think. I do have to buy bread tomorrow.
Good day today at work. Brought in a lot of materials and I got some equipment donated that we needed. I'm making soup with a chicken carcass and a bunch of the veggies I got last weekend and a can of red beans. I hope it doesn't suck.
In petty news, I'm going to see B and some other friends tomorrow, and they're going to ask how things are going with StW. Potential answers include "nowhere," "I don't know," and ::shrug::.