Hopefully he is just being groomzilla and this bullshit will reverse itself in the near future.
I have NEVER understood why throwing a wedding is such a societal excuse to act like an asshole. (Not saying you were implying this, le nubian.)
I mean, organizing a big event can be stressful, but GET OVER IT. You are planning a party and getting married, not going to war. People do not get a "act like a douche and get out of jail free" card because it's a wedding.
I know family politics can amp up the stress, but, damn, some of the antics people get up to and expect to get a pass on because it's THEIR WEDDING is just ridic. Take a couple of Xanax and grab hold of the perspective bar, y'all. It's a wedding; it's supposed to be fun.
{{{Sox & DH}}}
{{{Tom & Nora}}}
{{{Maria & DH}}}
{{{FredPete & Hubs}}}
{{{ita & family}}}
I wish I had better words.
You speak for me.
For Groomzilla's bride I wish a happy and healthy life. For Groomzilla, I wish that his vehicle be filled every morning with bunches of wadded up newspapers that take 5 minutes to clean up on days when he has plenty of time, and 20 minutes to clean up on days when he is in a hurry.
I get you. I like to see a glass as half-full, so that is my attempt.
I had a nice dinner tonight, but OMG was so full I barely ate any of dessert! Not sure how that happened. Met a guy at an alumni event a while back who travels as much as I do (he works for a coffee importer, so he does more international travel--jealous!), so we had a nice foodie dinner and geeked out over frequent flier miles and upgrades and so on. Much fun! We're planning to do it again sometime...in December, since we're both that busy. :) (And if only I were straight, I'd totally consider dating him, but no. I'm thinking of introducing him to my roomie, though)
bonny, how absolutely atrocious. Patience to you, and swift healing to Bartleby.
I went to a birthday party, and hung with the Americorps volunteers, and carved a pumpkin and had a couple of drinks. Texted StW and went by his house on the way home. We just talked for a while and caught up, and I confirmed that he still does want to see me in whatever spare time he can find. That was enough to put the insecurity demons back at bay. I still really like him. He still wants to hang with me. I guess we'll just keep seeing where it takes us.
(And if only I were straight, I'd totally consider dating him, but no. I'm thinking of introducing him to my roomie, though)
You are an awesome giver, meara.
First world problem - can't get my charger to plug into my phone. Not drunk anymore. Wtf.
Yay for StW still wanting to hang out, boo for him being too damn busy!
I figure he and the roomie were both in the Peace Corps...that's something! He might be a little old for her though--I think he's about 38? and she's 28.
You can tell her from me that a 10 year age gap is no big whoop.
you really are an awesome roommate! Why didn't I have a roommate like you years ago?