I love reading about peoples' family history. Keep on, please.
Yes indeedy.
My great aunt Ginny was a master reweaver - that is, she repaired sweaters. Y'all, people used to repair sweaters. She made a living at it, IIRC.
Oh, bonny, how absolutely infuriating. I'd totally lose my shit.
Lots of ~ma for Hubs.
Maria, good on ya for kicking out that drunk asshole. My mind never ceases to boggle at Americans who think people with accents are dumb, yet don't know another language beyond "amigo" or "bonjour" (which they mostly butcher).
Today was mos def a dirty job day. I got extremely dirty THROUGH my t-shirt.
I repair sweaters. Vintage and antique clothes, quilts, cloth dolls and stuffed animals. Well, not as much since the hand troubles, but yeah. I miss doing it.
Fred, so much good health thought for Hubs.
And bonny, I'd be livid. And possibly litigious. It is so ragey-frustrating when you're communicating with supposedly rational human people who are supposed to know what they're doing. And then they get it wrong.
I'm currently working with a writer for whom English is a second language. She has a good grasp of conversational English, but when she's writing narrative her native conversational forms creep in. I can piece out what she's trying to say, but it needs to be rephrased before it's presented to a wider audience. Walking the line between being understood and retaining the personality and charm of the writer is difficult.
What a mess, Bonnie. I'm glad you're both home safe. The prevalence of this sort of thing is why the hospital gave me a Sharpie and told me to write Yes and No on my knees for one surgery and my breasts for another.
Check out these pictures my friend took of her dog and mine together! I think anyone should be able to see them, even if you're not on fb. [link]
Oh smonster, the cuteness! I miss Frankie so much!!
Frankie looks so small compared to the other doggie! And so much cuteness!
good luck Barb! I would love to see photos if you are so inclined. I loved the photos from your last competition.
Ellie has seen me use Siri on my phone a few times and has been pretty impressed. Just now, she was watching a Netflix movie that froze. So she pushed the button to get Siri to appear and told her "please keep playing Thumbelina". It didn't work but I loved that she was polite and totally confident in the phone's ability to fix her problem.
Oh Bonny, I would be livid.
Barb, see F2F for Long Beach plotting.
smonster--cutest dog EVER. Except mine. When she’s not barking at nothing loudly, which she is at the moment.
Maria, wow. Good for you.
Daniel, I am so sorry for all you have already been through and for what you are still facing.
Medical~ma for Fred’s DH and coping~ma for Fred.
Welome back Erin!
sj, I meant to say last time I checked in that I can’t believe your apartment situation. I hope you either get out of there or the people upstairs actually leave ASAP.
Typo, eep! Practicing for Halloween?
Teppy, I hope your allergies are better soon.
Sort of caught up, for a second anyway.
HI! I'm kind of caught up! (For values that equate lots of skimming, so I'mma point to what Pix typed and say "what she said.") I'm on a sugar and white wine high!!! Because I've been frosting holiday (Halloween) cookies all night! And watching silly horror films!! I need to invite other people over for cookie-decorating, because doing this alone leads to drinking white wine and watching Lost Boys: The Thirst. Which is hilarious, and I'm comfortable in the notion that the filmmakers wanted it that way. (Lost Boys: The Tribe was just too sad for me. Poor Corey.) I mean, cookie-decorating always involves white (or sparkling wine) and watching silly movies (one year it was Cannonball Run and Bill && Ted's Excellent Adventure), but it's better if there's more people, right?
So, who wants to come over mid-December and decorate holiday (mid-winter, take your pick) cookies with me???