Good lord, this dark of the moon is turning out to be dark. Thoughts for relief and support to all who need them.
Um. I have to include myself in that wish...dos that negate it? I hope not.
Tomorrow, Bartleby is going for surgery that frightens me and, for which, I do not have the money.
I'm struggling to be rational about it...and thought I was succeeding until this evening when a friend said something so bone-deep insulting, I can't even breathe.
eta: Wow. I know I'm dyslexic and all, but the typos in this screed really do speak to how upset I am. Oh my.
I called a friend who can hear anything and she was great. As a result, I have stopped shaking with rage and have mellowed into a deep and resonating anger that I really must do something with in order to get through the next two weeks.
Short story, I'm doing the flowers for a friend's wedding. I've asked for the budget roughly 10 times, but since they aren't paying for it, and their relatives said, 'Whatever',I did worry too much.
Keep in mind, I am the queen of cheap. The way I have set up my life is my responsibility, but my frugality is a real benefit in these situations.
I never asked for, nor expected to be paid, but they insisted. They also insisted that I come up with a number for their gift. I couldn't for a long time until I recalled that good friends of ours walked up to me with a check after I did their wedding 6 years ago and never said another word about it. I told the current friends that amount (which is less than 25% of what a retail florist would have charged).
TODAY is the last day I can place the flower order. TODAY (did I mention I've been working with them on this for 5 months already?) the gentleman called me at 5 to grill me on just what they are getting for that amount and, by the way, the budget has to be cut in half.
If, at any time, they had given me $50 bucks and called it good, I'd have made something beautiful. NOW he's talking to me like I'm taking advantage of them.
I can't do the tremendous volume of work I need to do for them over the next 10 days with this pit in my stomach.
Rationality will find me eventually, but right now, I don't know what to do.
Hil, I hope the meds work quickly.
Bonny, what an awful situation to be in. I'm sorry.
Ginger, I hope the pain gets much better and soon.
Oh, dear today ended up being a stressful day. I had no idea what I was walking into going to Mom's today. There was paperwork from all through my school years, including papers I wrote for the college degree I never ended up getting. As well as lots of stuff from a friend who has since passed away. I'm feeling like absolute crap tonight, and there is still so much more left there to go through. I'm going back on Thursday.
bonny, I also meant to say tons of surgery~ma for Bartelby.
Oh, thanks sj. Truly, despite my ire, he is the only thing that matters right now. I appreciate the good thoughts.
Much surgery~ma for Bartelby, bonny. I'm sorry the wedding people are being jerks.
Oh, bonny that's so stressful. All kinds of -ma for Bartleby.
Loads of surgery ~ma for Bartleby, bonny.
Don't unsubscribe here! We don't cost you anything but agita!
Get well soon ~ma to Cass, Ginger, Hil, and Bartleby. Calm effectiveness~ma to sj and bonny.
flings extra ~ma to the winds, just for good measure.
Y'all, I had a great day today. I let go of trying to manage the pace of work, and was much calmer, and everyone else was much calmer. I let puppy boy go at his pace for the most part, and he came to me for help and/or direction when he needed it. I got home and actually had spoons to spare, so I'm entering back receipts into my budget software.
There was a sad moment that won't leave me, though. A man around 60 with a patch on his eye came up and asked to speak to the person in charge, being me. He spun a tale of woe about HIV (he was very skinny) and his wife dying and needing $21 and could I give him some work. Now, he may have been putting me on, but dude deserves an Oscar if so. He looked about to cry and pretty forlorn. So I told him I couldn't hire him and gave him $5 and a cup of water. Uggh, I hate this world sometimes. I know they say to give to the shelters, but sometimes I just have to give to the person in front of me, and let them decide how to use the money.
sometimes I just have to give to the person in front of me, and let them decide how to use the money.
Sometimes one-eyed starving homeless guys need some whiskey. I know I would.