Musical distraction question: do I put on my Crazy Girls playlist (Emilie Autumn, Amanda Palmer, Tori Amos, Kate Bush), or the bandom playlist (MCR, FOB, P!atD, Cobra Starship)? Bandom has more shout/scream -along with songs, but Crazy Girls has the advantage of reassuring me that while I am crazy, I am not as crazy as Emilie Autumn or Amanda Palmer. (I too often feel like my crazy matches Gerard Way's or Pete Wentz's.)
I am also contemplating telling my chore list to go fuck itself and work on a sewing project or something. I can feel guilty about that later.
Did some shots for my kickstarter video. More tomorrow. Gives me a tiny bit of appreciation for how fucking hard film actors work. (Probably I still don't know one thousandth of what they go through, but I got a taste. )
Bandom would be better for energizing, no?
Am at laundromat. Two megaloads.
Need moar weekend plz.
There are many reasons I'm not getting anything done. One reason is that I keep doing things like dropping heavy objects on myself.
One reason is that I keep doing things like dropping heavy objects on myself.
Yikes. You all right, there?
Ginger! Don't do that!
amyth, how are you liking Raising Hope?
Bandom would be better for energizing, no?
Probably. But I went with just putting on The Black Parade, because it's the anniversary of the release.
Happy birthday, Black Parade! Or something.
Steph, I think I asked you before for a list of ADHD resources, but I foolishly didn't mark the post and can't search on "ADD." I'm googling, but if you have a favorite website or two, I'd appreciate it.
how are you liking Raising Hope?
I'm liking it a lot! I'm already halfway through the first season, so as you can imagine, I haven't gotten much else done today.