I did not get the position at the non profit. The temp agency submitted another resume and that person and less overall experience but had working knowledge of Publisher and Power Point which is why the non profit went with them.
It's frustrating but I wasn't getting my hopes up too high and I'll start training for the other job on Monday or Tuesday.
Cereal - I don't have Micrsoft Office on my computer (I never bought it) but I was wondering are there any free or low cost online courses I could take to learn the Microsoft Office Suite without actually having it on my computer?
Tim Burton Will Have Creepy Balloon in Macy's Thanksgiving Parade:
YAY! Awww, look Tim: Mainstream media, still courting you! Now go do a really good job on Dark Shadows, okay? Not like what happened with Alice In Wonderland.
Is this Dark Shadows in any way connected to the '60s daytime soap?
The temp agency submitted another resume and that person and less overall experience but had working knowledge of Publisher and Power Point which is why the non profit went with them.
Does your temp agency offer training in some software programs? When I got out of college, I was actually a Kelly Girl, and they offered some training, though not much. It was enough, though, that I could fumble my way through Excel (or was it Lotus Notes? anyone remember that one?) well enough to be sent on jobs that required proficiency in that software. And if you got a little training and got sent on jobs that used that software, you'd rack up the experience with it pretty quickly.
Is this Dark Shadows in any way connected to the '60s daytime soap?
Yesssss. Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins. Tim Burton + Johnny Depp + vampires = total Jilli-bait.
askye, libraries will sometimes run training sessions on computer software -- can you check to see if any of the libraries near you are offering any workshops? Or local continuing education centers, maybe?
oh ... I watched the original Dark Shadows when it was new. My first year of college, it was so popular that, since it came on during the hours allotted to labs, there would be one designated lab person and everyone else would go up to the nearest dorm and watch it there, then return.
My library doesn't (and the temp agency doesn't either) but I'll look and see if there are any options in Burlington.