Hil, I'm glad you have fruity beer to help you deal with all these screw ups where you work.
We're in Bath, which is lovely as usual. We went to the Jane Austen museum today and then took a bus around the city. The friends we're staying with are having a baby! It was a pleasant surprise to find out when we got here; although if I knew ahead of time I wouldn't have brought a bottle of wine as a gift.
sj - glad you're having fun! but for a pregnant lady, perhaps chocolate ....
You can have a glass of wine once in a while while you're preggo.
True, and even if your friend chooses not to drink, I'm sure she still appreciates the gesture! And no doubt her partner does too.
sj, I'm so glad you are having a fun. I love Bath.
I saw that. Hard to know anything since we don't have access to his medical records, but I thought the opinion was interesting.
So, I had yoga tonight and the instructor is German perhaps, maybe Swedish (I can't place her accent and it doesn't sound like most of the German people I have known) and throughout the class she was telling us to keep our "ass" in.
It wasn't until the final minutes that I realized she was saying "abs" the whole time.
So I have a firm butt (like always), but my core is lacking.
TB - that was interesting. No matter what course of treatment he took, there are always going to be people who say "if only he had done x" or "if only he hadn't done x". The fact that he ended up a liver transplant means he had to deal with all the related transplant meds. Those are many and can be rough on the body too. Plus if you miss a dose or decide to stop taking them, your health is immediately at risk.
le nub - glad you got to work your ass all class.
Science-based Medicine [link] has a longer look at the Steve Jobs question. The author points out that, except for the nine-month delay after the first diagnosis, Jobs threw all the science-based medicine money could buy at the cancer. He concludes that Jobs may not have done himself any favors by waiting, but there's no way know for sure without more information about the progression of the disease.
Mind you, I'd be happy about any thing that caused people to think twice about non-science-based alternatives. I know two people, one a good friend and one a friend's sister, who died horrible deaths depending on alternative quacks. If all of the people touting these cures were up to their necks in sand, I'd say, "Not enough sand."
What is amazing to me is that he lasted as long as he did. 8 years with pancreatic cancer is a long time.