He is working that sweater vest.
He is! He has a rather preppy grey one that his great-aunt knitted him, which suits him very well. She's knitted him a great quantity of jumpers and vests, all of them excellent quality, and commonly appearing in the Ryan pics. (This is the great-aunt whose son has been causing DRAMA! It just keeps coming too. It's now transpired that his tale of having met the mistress years ago while studying in Germany is a fabrication. She's never been out of China, and the family apparently has reason to believe she may be a prostitute. She's now had the baby too, and - in possibly his first sensible move since this began - WB's cousin is getting a paternity test done.)
Where do you keep your echidna skull these days, bt?
It's still packed up. I should really put it up by the desktop.
I should really put it up by the desktop.
You should! It will brighten your day with its skulliness.
Love those pictures! Talk about SMISH.
And oy, WB's cousin.
Off to twice yearly appointment to have throat stabbed. (Injection through front of throat,down to other side to top of spine.)
Sticking my head in the door to post this for Cass and Jilli:
Cute Ryan pix! Love!
And ION, SUPERGRONK. I am working on 2 hours of sleep, and massively busy day ahead of me. I slept through FOUR ALARMS when I finally fell asleep at 8am, and my client called at 10 am, and I was still asleep. GOD.
I managed a semi-coherent conversation without ANY GODDAMNED COFFEE and having just rolled naked out of bed. (Freelancing: sometimes the legal pad takes precedence over pants.) That is like Superman picking up a ball of Kyrptonite and casually juggling it. NO COFFEE and I talked business for 45 minutes without even 2 minutes to wake the hell up.
I am SO not a coherent morning person, under the best of sleep circumstances. I feel like I summitted Everest this morning.
I have coffee now. Delicious, life and intellect giving coffee. Thank you, Coffee Gods.
I am triple-booked this afternoon (conference, prepping for presentation, actual job)...so I'm home on the couch saying feh to the lot of it. The DH is stressed enough; I can't afford to become Massive Bitch Stress Monster.
That is truly impressive, Erin.
Hi Le Nubian. Back from being stabbed. Hydrocortisone injection - reduces inflamation in degenerating disks which presses on nerves and makes typing painful. Routine, but always leaves me spacey and mentally less than all there the rest of the day. (An inner voice says "How is that different from any other day?" Shut up, inner voice.)