A number of my clients and friends have AOL addresses. They have had these addresses forever. I always wonder just how much junk mail they get with the old addresses.
What makes me shake my head a whole lot more are the people that send me mail with hundreds of visible addresses. I get an email from a client about once a month when they are looking to hire. I am trying to figure a way to politely tell him not to blast that way. I may just ask his IT guru to tell him.
They have had these addresses forever. I always wonder just how much junk mail they get with the old addresses.
almost none. either AOL has got good spam filters, or it's so old that spammers don't bother :)
That would be an upside then!
Yeah, I still use yahoo, but honestly get almost no spam outside the filters--don't remember the last (well, one virus thing from a friend the other day). But I have a gmail for work stuff if needed. More the issue is all the not-quite-spam from businesses ive had to give my email to that sometimes I want but usually don't...
Laura, you are liked! Good going on getting the facebook page started. I, too, am frustrated by the capital convention on FB. Seems unnecessary.
Liked your biz, Laura!
bonny, insent, and more to come.
bonny, I insent to you (just saying because of the email glitchery you've been having.)
Laura, I will add you on FB and Twitter this evening! Good job!
bonny, part 2 also insent.
bonny, part 3 on its way to you.
You can email them about the capital convention. I'm lowercased on FB, as is one of my cousins. We just asked.