Hey, hivemind, I'm trying to come up with a name for the recycled Mardi Gras bead idea. My partner came up with Mardi Glass, which.... eh. I've been trying to riff on keywords like recycled, bottle, green, beer, Mardi Gras... but not getting a whole lot of ideas.
Hmm. Throwback NOLA? ...he likes it!!
Still open to other suggestions.
I can't think of anything but a tacking: a reNOLAble resource!
I love "a reNOLAble resource," although as java says, it's not a name.
ReNOLA would work for an overall recycling effort.
Maybe "Throwbacks: a reNOLAble resource"?
Damn iPhone. "Tacking" was supposed to be "tagline."
"Throwbacks: a reNOLAble resource"?
This, I love.
It tells the story and is catchy.
bonny, insent with the first round!
Hivemind, I'm trying to come up with a "tagline" for business cards and my resume. So far, I have:
Strategic thinking Senior Management Professional with specialized experience in working with higher education, legal and corporate environments.
any thoughts?