How soon do you need it, bonny? I could have it back to you by Thursday morning, most likely.
Buffista Business Talk: I wanted simple, I wanted in-and-out, I wanted easy money.
A virtual watercooler where Buffistas in business can talk, share, exchange, bemoan, exult and assorted other power verbs associated with all areas of running/starting up a business. For existing or potential Buffista business owners of all types. Spamming is NOT ON. A list of our Buffista owned businesses is on our links page.
smonster, there's a local artist who recycles glass; if the glass bead idea takes off, you might spread this idea.
You might also contact the society of glass bead artists (can't remember their exact name).
I like it that it's a web app (with an iphone app), so I don't worry about which computer is the spreadsheet on; the phone app also works offline and sync up when you get back online, for those times I'm actually not at a computer or don't have internets.
Interesting! I'll check it out.
I'm sending it out next Tuesday, smonster, so Thursday would be great!
Amy that actually sounds super helpful--I tend to be good on timesheets weeks when I'm traveling a lot ("ok, on a plane three hours, at the office seven...") but much, weeks I'm home more.
Srsly - between the lack of schedule structure and the ADD, I can spend entire weeks forgetting everything I ever did... tracking with click to start/stop (as opposed to, oh, trying to remember something later) is a total godsend. And not just for hourly billing; it's also incredibly helpful to keep an eye on what I'm doing on my own (work) time.
hey, I don't have ADD and I can forget what I've done
Hola, Buffista Chamber of Commerce Delights! It's the last business day of the month, and thus time for the monthly checkin post!
As a reminder, checking in is absolutely not mandatory, ever. Please don't post specifics of clients or money. And your business is your business - no worries about too big, small, new, on-the-side, or whatever to play in the checkin. Mmmkay? So:
- what successes did you have this month?
- what do you have an eye on for the next month?
- any brags, frustrations, brilliant ideas, inspirations?
- didja at least pay the rent? (or whatever your personal bottom line is for "is my business doing okay?")
- how are your psychic wages doing?
Oh, damn, is the month over already? Sheesh. Ok, I'll have to look back and assess.
Dude, I know. I'm currently stuck halfway between "what, already?" and "August HAS a 31st?"