Erin, you make a good point about 'dog' colors. And, there will be a ton of pictures on the new can see them on the gallery and client love pages here.
Since my favorite dog colors are black and evidenced by the little guy, the other colors are pretty much up for grabs.
I have no color comments, but ZOMG! Porterhouse for a bulldog! That is effing FABULOUS!
I am laughing like a loon.
bonny, what about Autumn Brights [link] or Dried Hues [link] The latter has some very nice muted tones. I think it's hard to make brights work on the web sometimes, not that I really know what I'm talking about.
Love the client pics!
Porterhouse for a bulldog!
Porterhouse is a great guy...and quite the case. The barrel chest on him makes me glad for the bulls he will never fight.
I like both those palettes, smonster. I especially like the dried hues. I'm also looking at embroidery hues. But, sadly, text sized color just doesn't stand out well on a white ground. It's a bother, and no mistake.
A) You are awesome.
B) You cracked me up with the need for pictures and the waving of the hands. I'm exactly the same. I spend a lot of time with my phone clients saying things like, "See me waving my hands over my head, about shoulder width apart..."
C) You are clever and gifted. The solution you offered is elegant and perfect.
I will send the request to my web guy...who is running a bit behind for my tastes at the mo...but, is there a page where I can learn how to code that effect. I'm basic html literate.
D) Thank you so much for even thinking of a solution, much less illustrating it so I understand what you mean. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort. Not the least because it gives me exactly what I need and helps me to save a bit of my old identity package for a less jarring transition. Not to mention the time saved giving up the fretting over it.
My building allows pets and at one point there was a bulldog named Petunia. He - yes, he - had personality like you wouldn't believe and was much loved.
Hey, hivemind. I am facing the unpleasant (to me) necessity of doing a Gantt chart or some kind of project timeline thingy. Anyone got a free or cheapish software to recommend? (x-posting to Natter)
Also, bonny, insent early this morning.
smonster, VERY early this morning, eh?
I apologize. I started the day working on dog company stuff and then the earth moved and my brain left me altogether. Now, I'm going to be early.
We will work it out, of course. I have faith.
But brane? Not so much now.