Bonny, insent, and if you haven't ordered with Vistaprint yet, let me send you a referral, if you don't mind. You might get extra savings!
'Why We Fight'
Buffista Business Talk: I wanted simple, I wanted in-and-out, I wanted easy money.
A virtual watercooler where Buffistas in business can talk, share, exchange, bemoan, exult and assorted other power verbs associated with all areas of running/starting up a business. For existing or potential Buffista business owners of all types. Spamming is NOT ON. A list of our Buffista owned businesses is on our links page.
Good stuff, bonny!
Also, I meant to add, on your rec, I looked up KC's SCORE and they're not too far from me, and I will be exploring theme.
I also may have found an accountant in KC who works with creative types for reasonable prices through a friend. WOO.
I haven't gotten any writing today, but I moved the printer to my office, cleaned and reorged the office for more efficiency, now that I have a better idea what I need, and am creating client management database and expense and budgeting...stuff.
Anyone have Excel docs they would be willing to share as a template? I suck ass at creating Excel, and will move to Freshbooks in a few months, when I (hopefully) can afford it, but I need to have a system in place NOW.
OMG, y'all, this has totally been IT and research day for me. Not a JOT of writing done.
But I found a simple accounting and expense program, Overight, that's free for the first 30 days and $9.95 a month after that. It looks good, synch with my biz account and PayPal, calculates my 1099's.
Only problem I can see (so far) is no way that I have found to include expenses that don't come from my bank account. There are a few things I bought with the joint account before I had the biz account set up, but I have receipts.
I've also been updating the new-to-me laptop my sister gave me -- I moved the printer up and set it up. (Anyone know the cheapest place to get ink for a Lexmark X4560 -- which, btw, don't buy, because it fucking SUCKS as a networking printer.)
I'm also researching mileage and expense apps for my iTouch -- I'm looking at BizXpenseTracker as my top choice, but I don't know.
Also, does anyone know a cheap microphone that I can plug into my 2nd gen iTouch to use it as a recorder for interviews?
Oh, my god, I'm tired! But I got SO MUCH DONE today!
Should I admit I use the "throw all the business receipts in a box" method?
I have an envelope right now. I bought a $1 mini-accordian file for my purse, but I haven't set it up yet.
I'm leery as hell about being audited as a contractor, and I KNOW I suck at financials, so I'm trying to set it all up to be as easy and accurate as possible to avert future messes.
Also, tomorrow, I burn everything to CD's AND back up on my external hard drive.
Mercury is in retrograde. I don't believe in astrology (much, usually) but if M in Retro makes me CYA my computer, which is my LIFE now, then so be it!
Ginger, I do the same thing. Everything is entered on Quickbooks, but then I just throw it all in a drawer in case I ever need the hard copy.
I bought the TIPPR deal, so now have to get my graphical rear in gear.
Erin, I've been ordering from Vistaprint since 1999...whew, that oughtta be a song. If I tried to use a referral, I fear they would look at me funny.
I started out with business cards while I was at Loyola and have used many different designs since then. Goodness me, when I look back at my history with them, it's an interesting memoir of my resume. heh. Funny that.
Hey, I'm selling a domain name I've had on ice since 1997. I put up a listing on craigslist...and could do the godaddy auction route as well.
Any other avenues I should pursue?
will xpost with tech.
Erin, I highly recommend finding a good accountant come tax season, regardless of whatever program you find for now. My experience has been (without exception) that a good accountant saves much more than he or she costs when running your own business. You may already have one, but I just wanted to chime in just in case.